Categories: News

NKR: Wheat Prices Will Be Controled


NKR Government Information and Public Relations Department
June 23, 2009

On June 22, the NKR Prime Minister conducted a conference with
chiefs of wheat storing and processing organizations and discussed
problems connected with realization of the forthcoming harvest. The
Prime Minister announced that on the assumption of the existent
market reality it is necessary to buy wheat, having enough cleanness
degree, from Artsakhi land users at the price of 105 drams per a kilo
and prevent drop of prices during the harvesting period. Hope was
expressed that the responsible persons of the sphere will not rise
in prices on domestic production flour and no artificial tension in
the market will be created.

The NKR Minister of Agriculture A.Tsatryan and A.Balayan Chief of
the State Tax Service adjunct to the NKR Government were present at
the conference.

Talalian Arpi:
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