Armenia Responsible For Lack Of Progress At Karabakh Talks


June 24 2009

Baku described a statement by Armenian Deputy Foreign Minister Shavarsh
Kocharian that the Azeri side is responsible for the lack of the
progress at the Nagorno-Karabakh settlement talks as far fetched.

Once again one has to state with regret that the Armenian side prefers
living by wishes, dreams and legends appealing in their statements
and comments to subjects that have no connection with the reality,
Azeri Foreign Ministry spokesman Elkhan Polukhov told Interfax.

Azerbaijan, unlike Armenia, always speaks in clear statements,
builds its position on the basis of norms and provisions of the
international law: the UN Charter and OSCE documents, in particular
the Helsinki Final Act which is the cornerstone of this organizations,
Polukhov said.

Polukhov cited Article 8 of the Final Helsinki Act in this respect,
The participating States will respect the equal rights of peoples and
their right to self-determination, acting at all times in conformity
with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations
and with the relevant norms of international law, including those
relating to territorial integrity of States.

Azerbaijan is oriented to these documents and principles.

Azerbaijan has always shown a constructive attitude and always took
this into consideration at negotiations. If the other party which
also should show its consent and clear position refuses to do this,
how results can be reached?! the spokesman said.

Earlier, Kocharian told journalists, The Azeri side is to be blamed
for the fact that the agreement was not reached and signed in all
these years. Armenia continues negotiations because it does not rule
out that Azerbaijan will sooner or later be more constructive. However,
[Azeri Foreign Minister Elmar] Mamedyarov’s statement once again proves
the opposite: Azerbaijan’s intention to continue its counterproductive
policy in the same spirit and again try to shift the responsibility
to Armenia.

The Armenian foreign minister made the statement commenting on
Mamedyarov’s statement that if a framework agreement is not signed
by the year’s end, the Azeri side will not be responsible for that.