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New Resolution On Armenia Passed In PACE


2009-06-25 10:59:00

ArmInfo. A new resolution on Armenia has been passed during the
debates in PACE on June 24, according to which Armenia will keep on
being under monitoring.

Co-rapporteurs of PACE Monitoring Committee John Prescott and
Georges Colombier hailed the fact of amnesty announcement in Armenia
and pointed out the role of the Armenian parliament speaker Hovik
Abrahamyan who headed the Armenian delegation in Strasbourg. They
also marked the political will by the country’s authorities. Along
with it, it was noted that the circumstances of death of 10 people on
March 1, 2008, have not been clarified so far. Moreover, a concern was
expressed over termination of the work of the Fact Collecting Group,
as well as the police system and actions of the Prosecutor General’s
Office were subject to criticism. As a result, a decision was made
to keep Armenia under monitoring.

To note, Head of the Armenian delegation to PACE David Harutyunyan
pointed out the positive changes in fulfillment of PACE requirements
and thanked the Assembly and co- rapporteurs for support to the
Republic. ARFD deputy Armen Rustamyan also emphasized the positive
changes and, simultaneously, pointed out the deficiencies of Armenia’s
election system. In her turn, member of the Armenian delegation from
"Heritage" party Zaruhi Postanjyan said Armenia did not fulfill the
requirements of PACE resolutions, and a sense of impunity takes roots
in the authorities. Z. Postanjyan also touched on March 1 events and
said ex-President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan violated Article 15 of
the European Convention on human rights and announced 20-day emergency
situation in the country on March 1, 2008, as well as violated the
Constitution and used armed forces. However, she thinks, the Assembly
has not yet given a serious assessment to the previous and incumbent
authorities’ actions.

The Resolution marked that the Assembly still insists on opening of
‘A1+’ TV Company. The proposal of Head of the Armenian delegation
to PACE David Harutyunyan for the amnesty in relation to the persons
wanted to last after delivery to the authorities and beginning of the
judicial process till July 31, was accepted. The Assembly rejected
all the three proposals of Z.

Postanjyan related to the prisoners on the case of March 1 events and
establishment of specific terms for fulfillment of the liabilities
by Armenia. The Assembly also called on all the political forces of
the country to dialogue.

Yeghisabet Arthur:
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