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Armenian Foreign Minister Takes Part In The Meeting Of OSCE Foreign


June 29, 2009

YEREVAN, JUNE 29, ARMENPRESS: Armenian Foreign Minister Edward
Nalbandyan took part June 28 in the non-official meeting of the OSCE
Foreign Ministers in the Greek Corfu Island which was dedicated to
the strengthening of security in Europe.

45 Foreign Ministers of OSCE member states as well as CSTO, CIS, EU,
NATO and OSCE top-officials took part in the meeting organized by
Greek Foreign Minister.

Media relations department of the Armenian Foreign Ministry told
Armenpress that during the meeting E. Nalbandyan delivered speech
where he presented the Armenian ideas on the security in Europe.

"Previous security agreements were connected with the reality which
has now changed. It’s time to draft a more efficient Euro Atlantic
security system like the European security treaty where it will
be definitely fixed that the universal security is inseparable,
that states do not built their security on the other states, that we
mustn’t recognize the right of a side by rejecting the same right of
the other one’s, when the use of force or threats for it have no place,
where all the states combine their efforts to fight against general
dangers. In case of the existence of these constitutive we will be
able to efficiently confront the existing challenges," – the Armenian
Foreign Minister said. Within the frameworks of the meeting of OSCE
Foreign Ministers the Armenian FM also took part in the meeting of
the FMs of CSTO member states and had a number of bilateral meetings.

During the meeting between Edward Nalbandyan and Danish Foreign
Minister Per Stig Muller ways of development of bilateral relations in
the political and economic spheres have been discussed. The Ministers
have exchanged thoughts on the issues connected with security in the
South Caucasus. Getting Edward Nalbandyan’s invitation to visit Armenia
Per Stig Muller noted that he will visit Yerevan in autumn this year.

During the meeting of Armenian and Swiss Foreign Ministers Edward
Nalbandyan and Michelin Calmy-Ray refer has been made to further
deepening of bilateral relations. The Swiss FM informed about the
decision to establish a diplomatic representation in Yerevan.

In Corfu E. Nalbandyan also met the USA Deputy Secretary of State James
Steinberg during which the assistant to the Secretary of State Phillip
Gordon was also present. During the intercourse issues connected with
different spheres of Armenian-American friendly relations as well as
opportunities of development and enhancement of cooperation have been
touched. A number of international and regional issues have also been
referred to.

Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan also met Benita Ferrero-Waldner,
Commissioner for Foreign Relations and European Neighborhood of the
European Commission. They had a detailed conversation on different
spheres of Armenia-EU cooperation. On the request of the Commissioner
Minister Nalbandyan presented the latest developments in the Karabakh
conflict negotiation process.

During the meeting between E. Nalbandyan with the Canadian Foreign
Minister Lorens Cannon opportunities of bilateral cooperation and
enhancement of the legal-agreement field have been discussed.

During the meeting of Edward Nalbandyan with Irish Foreign Minister
Michael Martin refer has been made to the intensification and
fortification of bilateral relations. The Ministers have discussed
the joint steps towards the political dialogue, economic cooperation
and development of cultural relations.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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