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NKR: Statistics Of NKR Finances In 2008


NKR Government Information and Public Relations Department
June 29, 2009

In June, 2008, the NKR National Statistic Service published statistic
collection "On Statistics of NKR Finances in 2008" which provides
brief information on the NKR state finances, financial indices of the
activity of organizations, activity of commercial banks and nonbanking
organizations as well as on foreign currency costs.

According to the accounts presented by commercial banks (branches)
operative within the territory of the Republic, by January 1, 2009,
credits amounted AMD 17812.8 mln and increased by 71.0% in comparison
with the previous year.

By January, 2009, credits allowed to physical persons amounted AMD
7609.1 mln, where credits aimed at entrepreneurial activity and
consumption lending formed correspondingly 18.6% and 81.4%. At the
year beginning, 2009, the residue of deposits made by the population
formed AMD 6796.9 mln and increased by 34.3% as compared with the
previous year.

The NKR National Statistic Service reviewed the accounts of 614
organizations on their financial activity of 2008 against 578
organizations’ accounts of the last year. Only 451 organizations or
73.5% of them operated in the black instead of correspondingly 398
organizations or 68.9% of 2007.

22.6% of the observed organizations operated at a loss against 26.1%
of the previous year. The maximal indices of organizations operating
in the black was recorded in commercial (88.9%) and communication
branches (85.7%), that of organizations operating at a loss – in the
sphere of industry (32.5%).

In 2008, the index of profitableness of the observed organizations
which depicts the efficiency of the organization’s activity and is
calculated as a ratio of profits earned on realization of production
(products, service) to expenses incurred on production and realization,
formed 17.9% in comparison with 19.2% of the previous year’s analogous
index. In 2008, the highest profitableness level was observed in the
sphere of construction (31.2%).

In 2008, the coefficient of current realization which characterizes
the solvency of the organization and is calculated as the ratio of
the factual value of all the circulation resources available in the
organization to short-term obligations, amounted 111.5% against 141.5%
of 2007.

In 2008, the coefficient of self-financing which is calculated as a
ratio of the organization’s own resources to the entire quantity of
sources of their formation and shows which part of assets is financed
at the expense of the organization’s own capital, formed 51.9%
instead of 57.8% of the last year.

According to the presented data, in 2008, taxes of AMD 10286.0 mln
were exacted from the 614 organizations which forms 11.4% of their
net profit (without value added taxes and excise duties). In 2007,
the latter amounted 11.8%. In 2008, the ratio of the VAT to the net
profit formed 6.0%, and in 2007 – 7.0%.

In 2008, the observed organizations paid taxes of AMD 10348.6 mln
into the State Budget, which forms nearly 89.0% of the taxes liable
to be paid into the Budget by them (the residue of the year beginning

In 2008, 72.8% of the observed organizations or 447 of them possessed
own fixed funds, the book value of which had formed AMD 58.5 mlrd by
the end of the year. 63.4% of the fixed funds belongs to industrial
organizations, in spite of the fact that industrial organizations
formed 21.9% of the organizations being in possession of fixed funds.

The investigation of sources of funds shows that 51.9% of them or
AMD 59.2 mlrd form the own capital, an essential part of which formed
the authorized capital.

Talalian Arpi:
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