ANC-WR Intern Spotlight: Hovsep Hajibekyan

Armenian National Committee – Western Region
104 North Belmont, Suite 200
Glendale, California 91206
Telephone: (818) 500-1918
Facsimile: (818) 246-7353


For Immediate Release
July 1, 2009
Contact: Haig Hovsepian
Tel: (818) 500-1918

ANC-WR Intern Spotlight: Hovsep Hajibekyan
Hovsep Hajibekyan helps raise awareness about issues through media

GLENDALE, CA — Hovsep Hajibekyan, a senior at UC Berkley, is one of seven
students participating in the 2009 Summer Session of the Armenian National
Committee-Western Region’s Internship-Externship Program (ANC-WR IEP). He
joins the program, which began on June 15th this summer, as a Public and
Media Relations Intern. Through the program, Hajibekyan will not only be
gaining experience in public and media relations but also learning about
current Armenian American issues.

`I wanted to make a positive contribution to my community,’ says Hajibekyan,
`and the IEP provides me with a great opportunity to have hands-on
experience with the day-to-day operations of the ANC-WR.’

As part of his involvement in the ANC-WR IEP, Hajibekyan is working on a
series of individual projects. For his main project, Hajibekyan is working
with the US Census Bureau to raise awareness of the upcoming 2010 Census and
highlight its importance for the Armenian American Community.

`I am looking forward to setting up this community outreach event and it is
an exciting opportunity to be able to work with a federal government office
to help empower our communities,’ said Hajibekyan

He will also be leading the ANC-WR media monitoring efforts this summer as
well as writing press releases covering ANC events and activities in the

Hajibekyan is attending UC Berkley as a Political Science and Music major.
He feels that the rigor of the classes at his school has prepared him well
for his internship with the ANC-WR. He also believes that his musical
studies have helped him strengthen his Armenian identity and influenced his
involvement with the Armenian American community.

Along with being an active member of his UC Berkeley’s Armenian Student
Association, Hajibekyan has been active with the Armenian National Committee
of the San Francisco Bay Area. He has volunteered with the Armenian
National Committee of America during which he assisted US Representative
Jackie Speier’s election campaign.

`Several of my friends had been interns previously and they spoke about the
rigor and effectiveness of the IEP program,’ he says. `I knew from them
that the interns become full participants in the civic engagement effort,
not just spectators.’

Although Hajibekyan is not positive as to what he will do after he finishes
at Berkeley, he does know that he will continue his education. He plans to
attend either law school or graduate school to study diplomacy.

Hajibekyan also plans to remain active in both the ANC and the Armenian
American community in general after completing the ANC-WR IEP. He feels
that the experience in working with communities that he will gain from the
program will help him stay involved in the future.

The Armenian National Committee – Western Region is the largest and most
influential Armenian American grassroots advocacy organization in the
Western United States. Working in coordination with a network of offices,
chapters, and supporters throughout the Western United States and affiliated
organizations around the country, the ANC-WR advances the concerns of the
Armenian American community on a broad range of issues.
