Armenian Khachkar Placed Near Entrance Of Administrative Building Of


Noyan Tapan
July 1, 2009

ceremony of an Armenian khachkar (commemorative cross-stone) took
place in the city of Marseille, France, on June 18. His Holiness
Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians presented it to the Governor
of Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur of France a year ago, as a token
of friendship between the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and the
mentioned province.

Hrach Aslanian, the head of the European Armenian Communities’
Department of the RA Ministry of Diaspora, who took part in the
ceremony of unveiling the khachkar, informed Hayern Aysor it took them
a year to choose a place for the khachkar. It was at last decided to
place it near the entrance of the building of the Governor’s Office
which is in the center of Marseille.

Governor Michel Vauzelle, Province Council members and French
parliamentarians, heads of local self-government structures, heads
of all the Armenian organizations acting in the province, Archbishop
Norvan Zakarian, the primate of the French diocese of the Armenian
Apostolic Church, clergymen of the Armenian Catholic, Evangelic
Churches were present at the ceremony of unveiling the khachkar.

The head of the European Armenian Communities’ Department of the
RA Ministry of Diaspora read Minister Hranush Hakobian’s address to
the Governor of Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur and to the local Armenian
community at the ceremony of unveiling the khachkar.

H. Aslanian said that the largest Armenian community of France is in
that province: about 100 thousand Armenians live only in Marseille.

The ceremony of opening the street after Hrant Dink was held
in Marseille on June 12. His widow, Rakel Dink was present at
the ceremony. In H. Aslanian’s words, that street in the 12th
Armenian-populated district of the city was named after the martyred
chief editor of the Agos newspaper by the decision of the Marseille
Mayor’s Office.

Marseille Mayor and French Senate Deputy Jean-Claude Gaudin, Agos
reporter Aris Nalci, First Deputy Mayor of Marseille, Deputy of the
National Assembly Roland Blum, Deputy of the National Assembly Valerie
Boyer, Deputy Mayor, Marseille-Armenia organization head Didier
Parakian, district head of the 11th, 12th districts of Marseille
Robert Assante, district head of the 13th, 14th districts Garo
Hovsepian were present at the ceremony of opening the street.

In H. Aslanian’s words, Jean-Claude Gaudin presented at the ceremony of
opening the street after H. Dink the way of Agos former editor-in-chief
struggle for human rights and freedom in Turkey, he also expressed
assistance of the Marseille Mayor’s Office to the Armenian community,
as well as to R. Dink who continues her husband’s activity. The
Mayor mentioned with pride that one of Marseille streets will have
H. Dink’s name.

R. Dink in her speech expressed gratitude for the support of Marseille
and whole France.

After the ceremony of opening the street after H. Dink,
Marseille-Armenia organized a reception in Dink’s honour at the
Marseille Mayor’s Office.

Heads of all Armenian organizations participated in the reception.

In H. Aslanian’s words, a banquet dedicated to the 20th anniversary
of the Espoir pour l’Armenie (Hope for Armenia) organization took
place in Marseille, on June 19. Senior pastor of the Union of
Evangelical Churches in Armenia Rene Leonian, representatives of
the Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur Governor, Marseille District Head and
Mayor, heads of all big local Armenian organizations were present at
the banquet.

The way passed by the organization, charitable programs implemented
in Armenia which related particularly to repair of children’s homes,
cultural centers, financing of nursing homes in Spitak, Vanadzor,
etc. were presented at the banquet.

The event was held under famous duduk-player Levon Minasian’s

The representative of the RA Ministry of Diaspora had a meeting with
the Marseille Armenian Hamaskaine (National) School’s administration
and directorate. The head of the European Armenian Communities’
Department of the RA Ministry of Diaspora stated that an arrangement
was reached during the meeting that the school will become a "sister
school" with Yeghegnadzor School N2 with a French bias.

Besides, according to the arrangement, 45-50 pupils from three
final classes of the Hamaskaine School will visit Armenia within the
framework of the Come Home program of the RA Ministry of Diaspora
in the second half of October, 2009 and will live in families of the
Yeghegnadzor "sister" school pupils.

Then Yeghegnadzor pupils will visit Marseille and live in French
Armenian families.

Meetings were also organized with representatives of the French
Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Jeunesse Armenienne de France
(Armenian Youth Union of France). The latter’s 50-person dance group
will arrive in Armenia on July 12.

H. Aslanian also added that opening of the Armenian alphabet’s
wall-paintings was held at L’ecole des Soeurs Armeniennes Notre Dame du
Sacre-Coeur (Armenian Catholic Sisters’ School of Marseille) on June 4.