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ANCA Leo Sarkisian Internship Kicks Off 25th Season

Armenian National Committee of America
1711 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel. (202) 775-1918
Fax. (202) 775-5648

July 2, 2009
Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918


WASHINGTON, DC – The 25th annual Armenian National Committee of
America (ANCA) Leo Sarkisian internship kicked off with a fast
paced and remarkable start this week, as interns from across the
United States gathered in Washington, DC, to participate in this
intensive, eight-week training program.

"The Leo Sarkisian Internship program is an Armenian American
advocacy boot camp – training the next generation of activists to
effectively promote our collective Cause," said Leo Sarkisian
Internship Director Garo Manjikian. "Their work will not only
directly impact Washington DC Hai Tahd efforts but, more
importantly, give them the skills to demonstrate grassroots
leadership in their home towns."

Each of the interns participated in an intensive application
process in their respective ANCA regions and look forward to this
hands-on educational experience, dreaming of coming out from their
local communities and making a difference on a national scale. The
year’s intern class consists of university students from coast-to-
coast, including: Nareg Aghjayan, Sosse Beugekian, Hovanes
Gasparian, Taleen Mekhdjavakian, Tatev Oganyan, Savada Simounian-
Khygani and Tamar Thomassian.

Each of the interns are active members of Armenian American
community life – from the Armenian Youth Federation (AYF), to the
Armenian Student Association (ASA), Armenian Church Youth groups,
and of course their local ANCA chapters.

The intern team hit the ground running, their arrival coinciding
with the House Appropriations Committee mark-up of the foreign aid
bill. Since the mark-up, the group has spent extensive time
focusing on Turkish government efforts to strong-arm legislators
and U.S. firms, alike, in support of their worldwide campaign of
Armenian Genocide denial.

Nineteen year-old Suffolk University student Sosse Beugekian – a
member of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, as well as the AYF
and Homenetmen, explained what motivated her to participate in the
Leo Sarkisian program this summer. "I’ve always heard and read
about the ANCA’s work around the community and I have always been
very interested. It is very exciting to be within the Washington DC
office and learn how the work is done first hand. The ANCA family
is very welcoming and has already allowed me to learn so much that
I could use within my own community later on."

California State University Northridge Marketing major Nareg
Aghjayan agreed. "I have been very active in my community in
California, and now while in DC I want to see how the work gets
accomplished with a hands on experience," noted Aghjayan, who is a
member of the Alpha Epsilon Omega fraternity and the AYF.

Taleen Mekhdjavakian, a pre-law student at the University of
Central Florida, has seen the inner workings of Senate district
offices – and now looked for a more hands on advocacy perspective.
"After working for Senator Bill Nelson I saw how useful lobbyists
are to a Senator mainly because they don’t always fully understand
the issues their constituents are facing and need to be better
educated by community groups," explained Mekhdjavakian, who is
active with the AYF, as well as the American Red Cross and campus
Arab Student Organization. "Through this internship I hope to gain
enough skills in efficient lobbying so I can continue fighting for
the Armenian cause both in Florida and nationwide."

University of California Los Angeles Political Science and History
major Tatev Oganyan, a graduate of the ANC Glendale internship
program, saw the Leo Sarkisian program as the perfect way to build
on her local training. "I will take the skills I acquire from this
program and I apply it to my local Armenian American community as I
plan to continue my grassroots activism, creating a connection
between national Armenian American issues and local Armenian
American issues," explained Oganyan, who in addition to her ANC
involvement is in the National Academic Honor Society at UCLA and
the UCLA Armenian Students Association.

University of California Berkeley Political Science and Public
Policy major Tamar Thomasian explained, "It is an amazing
opportunity for me to be in DC practicing all the skills that I
obtained at the local level in the national office. The environment
is everything I thought it would be and more. What’s better than
spending the summer working for the Armenian Cause?" Thomasian’s
activism extends to the ANC Glendale Chapter as well as the AYF
Roupen Chapter, Armenian Student Association, League of Women
Voters, and the United Human Rights Council."

Recent University of California graduates Savada Simounian-Khygani
and Hovanes Gasparyan brought training from the ANC Western Region
office. "I have never been to Washington D.C. before and thus far
I absolutely love it. I am excited to visit Capitol Hill and meet
with Members of Congress on behalf of the ANCA and Armenian
Americans nationwide," explained Gasparyan, who received his B.A.
in International Political Economy with a minor in City and
Regional Planning. Gasparyan rounded out his education through
volunteer work in the UC Berkeley ASA, San Francisco ANC, and
Montebello’s Holy Cross Church.

"The ANCA Leo Sarkisian internship continues my personal journey of
helping my community and Homeland. My interaction with the East
Coast community has helped me better understand my Armenian
identity," noted Middle East and North African Studies double
major, Simounian-Khygani, who also minored in Armenia. He has been
a member of the Alpha Epsilon Omega fraternity and remained active
with the ANC Western Region.

This year’s group has been joined by high school junior Rose
Pallone, a student of National Cathedral School, in Washington, DC
in a special program to promote student advocacy efforts in support
of Armenian Genocide recognition.

The Leo Sarkisian Internship Program, now in its 25th year, is an
integral part of a growing effort to provide Armenian Americans
greater opportunities to explore careers on Capitol Hill, in the
U.S. Foreign Service and key Washington, DC, foreign policy think
tanks. It is a part of the larger ANCA Capital Gateway Program,
which is designed to help university students and graduates find
internships and permanent positions in Congressional offices as
well as a host of other government agencies and policy groups.

Interns, who participate in a wide variety of projects based on
their individual interests, are given the opportunity to gain
hands-on experience within the American political system. They
participate in a bi-weekly lecture series featuring guest
lecturers, including public officials and Armenian American


Photo Caption: ANCA Leo Sarkisian Internship Program Director Garo
Manjikian with (from l to r): Hovanes Gasparian, Tatev Oganyan,
Savada Simounian-Khygani, Tamar Thomassian, Nareg Aghjayan, Taleen
Mekhdjavakian, Sosse Beugekian, and Rose Pallone.

Felekian Ara:
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