3 criminal cases instigated on incident in Marganets, Dnepropetrovsk

3 criminal cases were instigated on the incident in Marganets,
04.07.2009 15:15 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ 3 criminal cases were instigated on the incident in
Marganets, Dnepropetrovsk, Head of Ukraine MIA Central Administration
in Dnepropetrovsk region, Anatoliy Naumenko said. ”3 criminal cases
were instigated: on incriminations with murder, hooliganism and
hooliganism in the vicinity of hospital. Only one person, who shot at
police sergeant SergeyBondarenko, was detained. Complicity degree of
other conflict participants is being investigated at the moment.”
According to the Head of Head of Ukraine MIA Central Administration,
the conflict was started between two Marganets citizens, who were
making a bet.
”It was just a domestic incident, without Armenian- Ukrainian
conflict underlying,” New Bridge Information Agency cited Naumov as

On June 28, riots started after a fight between Ukrainians and
Armenians in a cafe of Ukrainian city of Marganets. A young police
inspector was killed at the attempt to stop the fight. Ukrainians
called the police and Armenians disappeared from the scene of fight.
For the second time, fight participants met at the hospital to where
those injured were taken. Both companies came with reinforcement.
Kids playing nearby witnessed the pogrom. After a short fight
Armenians left and their cars were left for hooligans to
demolish. According to community’s lawyer Alla Arakelova, after the
fight large-scale riots stared in city: houses have been burnt, more
than 15 cars have been destroyed.