Cyprian President to pay a state visit to Armenia

Cyprian President to pay a state visit to Armenia

2009-07-04 14:10:00

ArmInfo. On July 6 Cyprian President Dimitris Christofias will pay a
state visit to Armenia with his wife Elsi Christofia on Armenian
President Serzh Sargsyan’s invitation.

The Armenian presidential press-service told ArmInfo that the same day
the official ceremony of greeting the Cyprian president will take place
at the Armenian presidential residence, the ceremony will be followed
by a face-to-face meeting of the two countries’ presidents. Afterwards
an enlarged meeting of official delegations will be held. On July 6
Serzh Sargsyan and Dimitris Christofias will give a joint press-
conference and on behalf of President Serzh Sargsyan and his wife Rita
Sargsyan, an official dinner party will be given in honor of the
Cyprian president.

Within the frames of the visit, Christofias will meet with Armenian
Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan and Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin
II. The Cyprian president will visit the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial
dedicated to the victims of the Armenian Genocide, as well as the
Genocide Museum, and will also plant a tree at Tsitsernakaberd.
Christofias will also meet with Mayor of Yerevan Gagik Beglaryan and a
group of honorary citizens of Yerevan, and visit the History Museum of

Dimitris Christofias and Elsi Christofia will visit cultural and
historical places of Armenia – Garni, Geghard and Matenadaran. On July
7 the Cyprian president and his wife will leave Armenia.