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Pres meets German ambassador completing her diplomatic mission

President of Armenia meets German ambassador completing her diplomatic
mission in Armenia

2009-07-04 13:18:00

ArmInfo. Today, President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan met German
Ambassador to Armenia Andrea Victorini who is completing her diplomatic
mission in Armenia.

As the presidential press service reported, S. Sargsyan thanked the
ambassador for her activity in development of the Armenian-German
cooperation and said a bilateral political dialogue essentially
activated in the last few years, moreover, not only the
financial-economic, but also cultural and educational programmes
extended. The president emphasized with satisfaction that Germany is
the second trade partner of Armenia and one of the biggest investors.

For her part, the German ambassador pointed out success of the
Armenian-German cooperation. She emphasized the importance of the
upcoming session of the bilateral intergovernmental commission to be
held in July and expressed confidence that it will become the beginning
of new initiatives.

The parties also expressed satisfaction with cooperation in security
and defense. The president of Armenia wished success to the German
ambassador in her further activity.

Chakrian Hovsep:
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