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Baku: "All Nations Have Lived In Harmony In Azerbaijan At All Times.

"All nations have lived in harmony in Azerbaijan at all times."

07 July 2009 [10:50] – Today.Az

"Azerbaijan is an independent state and will further do its best to
maintain the best traditions in our country," Azerbaijani President
Ilham Aliyev said at opening ceremony of the Tezepir mosque after
major overhaul in Baku.

"Religion is separated from the state in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan
is a secular state. But at the same time we are very committed to
our national and religious traditions and values. We share common
values. But the main value for us are the national values of
Azerbaijan," the president said.

"At all times, all people in Azerbaijan lived in harmony. Azerbaijan
state, the independent Azerbaijani state and will continue to do
everything possible to maintain this wonderful tradition in our
country. I would also like to say that while religion in Azerbaijan
is separated from the state, however, the state has allocated funds
for the overhaul of the Tezepir mosque," President Aliyev said.

"Islam is a great religion. It is a religion of friendship,
brotherhood, solidarity. Unfortunately, sometimes false information
about Islam is deliberately spread in som places and islamophobia
has become a policy. Today, much has been said about inter-religious
dialogue. There is a great need for this. However, in some cases,
these words are overlooked by trends of religious discrimination. We
reject this. We reject the campaign against Islam."

As to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the President said 20 percent
of Azerbaijan’s historical lands have been occupied.

"One million of our citizens who suffer from policy of ethnic cleansing
live as refugees and displaced persons. Armenian armed forces have
destroyed everything in the occupied lands. All buildings, homes,
schools, hospitals and mosques have been destroyed. This must
stop and the conflict can be resolved only through international
law. These rules are known to all. The first international peace
organization – the United Nations and its Security Council has adopted
4 resolutions on the withdrawal of Armenian forces from Azerbaijani
lands. Unfortunately, Armenia ignores them. The OSCE, the Organization
of Islamic Conference and other influential international organizations
take a fair stance on the issue. It is that the territorial integrity
of Azerbaijan must be restored, all the occupying forces must withdraw
from our land then peace agreement must be signed," he said.

"I am absolutely convinced that if the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict
is resolved in near future, we can see a positive impact on the
entire Caucasus. I want to say one again that Caucasus is a single
organism. Azerbaijan is both Caspian and Caucasus state. Russia is
also Caspian and Caucasus state. We have guests from Russia. They
are well aware that a very important agreement was recently signed
between Russia and Azerbaijan. The development of Russian-Azerbaijani
relations has played and will play vital role in ensuring peace and
security in the entire Caucasus. Our relations with other neighbors
are also based on mutual respect, principles of non-interference in
each other’s affairs and mutual trust. Inter-state relations should
continue only in this framework in future," President Aliyev said.

Kafian Jirair:
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