Co-Chair Hope For Tangible Progress From The Next Sargsyan-Aliyev Me

Lusine Vasilyan

09.07.2009 10:37

The discussions on the Karabakh conflict settlement continue. The
Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group Yuri Merzlyakov, Bernard Fassier
and Matthew Bryza summed up the results of their visit to Yerevan at
a joint press conference.

The Co-Chairs informed that the scheduled visit to Stepanakert did
not take place because of bad weather conditions. "I see some of
you laughing, but in vain. You can call Bako Sahakyan and know that
weather was the only reason," Bernard Fassier clarified.

The Co-Chairs had meetings with Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian
and President Serzh Sargsyan. They assess the meetings in Yerevan
as constructive.

This was the 9th visit of the mediators to the region this
year. Bernard Fassier noted that the visit was aimed at preparing the
next Sargsyan-Aliyev meeting in Moscow on July 17. The meeting of the
Presidents will be the 6th within 13 months. "This is an unprecedented
number in the history of negotiations. This shows that the leaders
have what to discuss," Fassier said.

According to Fassier, the talks are at an important stage today. They
voiced hope that concrete progress would be registered during the
upcoming meeting in Moscow.