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Injections In RA Economy Will Allow Stopping The Economic Slump


08.07.2009 16:24 GMT+04:00

An economic slump registered in the first half-year of 2009 will
be stopped through injections in RA economy, RA Economy Minister
Nerses Yeritsyan told a news conference, summing up results of
international conference entitled " Impact of the Global Financial
Crisis on Armenia: Short- and Long-run Perspectives". According to
him, the fastest growth rates will be registered in 2010. " We can
only expect a small growth, still, we have to reverse current economic
situation in 2010". Commenting on development scenarios for financial
situation in Armenia, voiced the day before by RA Prime Minister Tigran
Sargsyan, Yeritsyan said that during the 2 summer months risks will
be linked to the slump in construction sphere. In this connection,
he added that the conference discussed the possibility of not viewing
one economy sphere as separate from others.

On Tuesday, RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan voiced 3 possible
scenarios for economic situation development: possible economy slumps
of 9,5%,16% and 20%. According to statistical data, a 15,7% economic
slump was registered in Armenia in January -May 2009. On June 7-8,
Yerevan hosted " Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Armenia:
Short- and Long-run Perspectives" international scientific conference,
organized by Armenian International Policy Research Group (AIPRG).

Kafian Jirair:
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