Memorandum Of Mutual Understanding Singed Between Parliament Of Arme


JULY 8, 2009

YEREVAN, JULY 8, NOYAN TAPAN. Issues relating to activation of the
cooperation between the NA and UN Armenian Office and to protection
of the children’s rights were discussed at the July 7 meeting of
Vice-Speaker of the National Assembly of Armenia Arevik Petrosian
and UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Regional Director for Central and
Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States Steven Allen.

A. Petrosian mentioned that the cooperation with the UN Children’s
Fund Armenian Office has been effective and expressed a hope that it
will be permanent. She familiarized the guest with the legislative
steps of the Armenian parliament in the sphere of children’s rights,
stated that the RA National Assembly pays much attention to children’s
problems, protection of their rights, by organizing parliamentary
hearings, discussions, receptions for children from different regions,
various cultural and sports events.

S. Allen expressed satisfaction with the Memorandum of Mutual
Understanding to be signed which is aimed at the effective cooperation
of the RA NA and UN Children’s Fund and its making permanent. He
expressed a hope that Armenia will present a report at the Committee
on the Rights of the Child, in 2010 January. The report will relate
to the progress recorded in the sphere of the children’s protection.

According to the RA NA Public Relations Department, A. Petrosian and
UNICEF Representative in Armenia Laylee Moshiri signed the Memorandum
on Mutual Understanding at the end of the meeting.

In A. Petrosian’s words, the memorandum involves concrete provisions
aimed at cooperation: expert assistance, analysis, exchange of
experience, development of abilities, etc. She expressed a hope that
it will be an effective document.