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Derek Shirinian: "I Am Proud Of My Armenian And Greek Roots"


JULY 9, 2009

musician Derek Shirinian did not have any opportunity to deal with
Armenian culture and customs in his childhood because he grew up in
the city of Santa-Cruz, California, where only two Armenian families
live. "I did not grow up among Armenians but when we moved to Los
Angeles, Burbank, there were a lot of Armenians and I was surrounded
by the representatives of my nation for the first time in my life,"
the musician said.

The Greek Azat Or newspaper wrote that the mother of the musician is
Greek, "I am also proud of my Greek roots. The Armenians and Greeks
have a lot of similarities. My family influenced my decision of
choosing a profession. My parents hired a music teacher when I was
only five. We had a piano at home and they encouraged me to play."

The well-known musician, pianist of the internationally famous group
Planet-X Derek Shirinian became famous in the world of music playing
clavier instruments in Dream Theatre group. After working five years
at that group he left it and in 1999 with drummer Virgil Donati and
guitarist Tony Mackalpain released his first Planet-X disk. With the
same musicians he founded the Planet-X group, the name of which he
took from the disk’s name.

Shirinian said about that: "When I wrote the music of my first disk,
it seemed that I did a work which was beyond my powers. That music was
uncommon, I came to the bounds of my powers, I was infatuated with
music so much that it seemed that I was in an unknown, mysterious
planet, that is why I chose the name Planet-X.

Besides this group, Shirinian with his exceptional piano
peformances cooperates with famous musicians. "Every musician has his
instrument. No matter how much I like guitar or any other instrument
mine is the clavier instrument," the musician said.

Derek Shirinian said about inspiration, "Everything which is beautiful
can inspire me, an art work, a beautiful woman, strong music. I take
the best from life and return in the way of music."

The musician took part in the events dedicated to the 80th anniversary
of Djivan Gasparian. "I am happy to know the great master of duduk
(Armenian national pipe). I got acquainted with him with the help of my
friend. He knew that I had written a work devoted to my grandmother and
suggested inviting Djivan to play that work. Djivan wept when he saw
my grandmother’s photo. My grandmother had fought against the Turks and
had a photo in a military uniform," he said going into the details, "I
am an Armenian of the third generation born in America. My grandfather
Armenak moved from Sebastia to the United States’ Utah state in 1916. I
was the first from our family to be in Armenia." Derek Shirinian is
going to record a new album which will have a real "derek" direction.

Nahapetian Samvel:
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