"The Karabakh Conflict: New Realities" Conference In Stepanakert


09.07.2009 19:13

"The Karabakh Conflict: New Realities" conference, organized by the
Caucasus Institute (Yerevan) and supported by the German Henry Bell
Foundation, took place in Stepanakert, Press Service of the NKR
Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports.

Political scientists from Armenia, Georgia, and Nagorno Karabagh,
as well as public representatives participated in the conference.

Opening the conference, Director of the Caucasus Institute Alexander
Iskandarian noted the importance of holding similar events just on
the Karabagh land.

Head of the Henry Bell Foundation’s Office in the South Caucasus Iris
Kempe made a speech called "New Prospects of the South Caucasus’
Euro-integration and its Influence on the Regional Conflicts
Settlement." Speaking of the Eastern Partnership Program, she noted
that its final success would depend on the stances of the states
involved in the program. In this regard, the Karabagh participants of
the conference noted the necessity of the Karabagh society’s immediate
familiarizing with the project in order to create a specific stance,
which was approved by Iris Kempe.

Besides, the following speeches were made: "Changing Realities and
Involvement of Outer Actors in the Karabagh Conflict" by Director of
the Armenian Center of Strategic and National Researches Richard=2
0 Giragosian, "The Karabagh Conflict: a View From Stepanakert" by
Karabagh expert Rachya Arzumanian, "Comparative Analysis of the South
Caucasus Conflicts: Georgia’s Experience" by lecturer of the Tbilisi
State University, deputy editor-in-chief of Resonance newspaper Malkhaz
Gagua, "The Military Risks and the Prospects of Regional Security:
Karabagh Dimension" by Head of the Political Researches Department of
the Caucasus Institute Sergey Minasian, "The Prospects of Conflict
Settlement: Expert Judgments and Approaches of the Civil Society in
Karabagh" by Head of the NKR Public Council on Foreign Policy and
Security Masis Mayilian, "Ethno-political Conflicts in the South
Caucasus: the General and Different" by political analyst of Noyan
Tapan Agency David Petrosian, and "New Region and New Status Quo
Around the Karabagh Conflict" by Director of the Caucasus Institute
Alexander Iskandarian.

The speeches were followed by discussions, at which the conference
participants expressed their opinions and positions.