The Minister Of Defence Seyran Ohanyan’s Meeting With The Diaspora Y


; p=0&id=913&y=2009&m=07&d=11
10.07. 09

On the 10th of July, 2009 in the departmental hall of the RA MoD the
meeting of the Minister of Defence with the members of "Depi Hayk"
("Towards Armenia") foundation took place. Greeting the Diaspora
youth from different countries of the world Seyran Ohanyan briefly
spoke about the history of the creation of the RA armed forces,
singling out the reality that our army was formed in wartime, after
the declaration of Armenia’s independence. Independence – achieved
due to the united will and dedication of Armenians.

After the ceasefire in May, 1994 a new quality army building process
started and in a period of some years it was developed in regards to
the management of the troops, army armaments and staff readiness. As
a result of this we have a efficient and regular army, which is a
guarantee of the security of Armenians. Speaking of the protection
of the Republic of Nagorno Kharabakh, Seyran Ohanyan mentioned that
defence and the existence of modern engineering structures allow to
keep the force balance with Azerbaijan, without the support of a second
party. The Minister of Defence also talked about developing patriotism
in the youth, stating that the values acquired in a course of years
need to be passed to the coming generations in=2 0an appropriate way.

Pointing out the importance of the role of the Diaspora in solving
the issues that our country faces, S. Ohanyan underlined that several
compatriots from the Diaspora took up the holly duty of protecting the
Motherland during the Artsakh war. And today, in peace time, we are
glad that Diaspora youth constantly visits the Motherland. Then the
Minister of Defence answered the questions that bothered the youth,
which, mainly, were about the Armenia-Turkey relations, regional
security and the resolution of the NKR conflict. All the questions
were answered thoroughly.

In the end of the meeting the members of the "Depi Hayk" foundation
thanked for the warm admission hoping that such meetings will be

It’s worth mentioning that "Depi Hayk" ("Towards Armenia") foundation
functions since 2004. Today 52 members are registered. In Armenia
they voluntarily accomplish missions in different spheres.