Madrid Principles Stipulate For NKR’s Independence recognition


13.07.2009 14:40 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Basic Madrid principles contradict the 4 UNO
resolutions on NKR conflict as well as international law, Azerbaijan
Democratic Party Leader Sardar Jalaloglu stated.

According to him, MG OSCE Co-Chairs strive to force Azerbaijan and
Armenia into agreeing to conflict settlement based on purely political
principles, instead of international law.

"MG OSCE Co-Chairs do not uphold a neutral position on this
issue. Russia, France and USA are patronizing Armenia, to some
extent. The only argument Azerbaijan possesses is the fundamental
international law on territorial integrity. So, fulfillment of
self-determination principle is within competence of the state
itself. This is why, Azerbaijan has to determine the position of
Nagorno Karabakh, which is an Azerbaijani region. Madrid principles, in
the form they’re published, stipulate not only for NKR’s independence
recognition, but also for loss of control over adjacent territories,
where allocation of international forces in suggested,"
cited Azeri politician as saying.