Ameria Has Over 50% Of Armenian Consulting Market Share


14.07.2009 19:38 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Ameria has over 50% of Armenian consulting market
share, Ameria Consulting Company Director Andrei Lazarian told
a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter. According to him, previously, market
development could be characterized as extensive. Currently it has
assumed an intensive character, as only strong players remained in
crisis circumstances.

Lazarian noted that global crisis spells a crisis of demand, which
has influenced every company. "Though a certain slump in demand
is registered, on the positive side, work structure has altered,
requiring for a new approach." In this context, the Director noted
that despite changes in the structure of demands, no changes in the
volumes were registered.

According to Lazarian, Ameria has over 50% of Armenian consulting
market share, providing wide range of services in business, finance,
corporate and juridical spheres.

Ameria Director informed that the company is ranked first for juridical
consulting services and third for tax consulting.

According to Ameria Director’s forecasts, starting from autumn, a
certain progress will be registered in Armenia which will positively
influence different spheres of our life.