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David Davtyan: Madrid Principles Suicide Manual


14.07.2009 10:19 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The promulgation of Madrid principles on the
threshold of the meeting between Armenian and Azerbaijani Presidents
suggests that these principles are out of date, an expert said.

"To all appearance, a new document will be signed soon. It was a show
for the public aimed to cover the real state of affairs. It’s worth
mentioning that the announcement followed successful monopolization
of Azeri gas by Moscow, during the stalemate in the Armenian-Turkish
talks and on the threshold of signature of an agreement on Nabucco,"
David Davtyan, analyst of ANALITIKA.at.ua told PanARMENIAN.Net.

According to him, before getting absorbed by the game with Ankara,
Armenia was a power, whose opinion could not be ignored. "With its
shortsighted policy, Yerevan has driven itself into the corner,"
Davtyan said.

"The principles which were made public can’t resolve the problem. These
envisage return of territories around Karabakh in exchange of granting
it an interim status. At that the only advantage Armenians are offers
is the Lachin corridor. Such approach is inadmissible. In general,
this document is a suicide manual. The principles based on the ideas
of humanity and civility are incapable due to intolerance of Turks
and Azeris towards Armenians," he said.

Davtyan said the provision on deployments of international peacekeepers
is absurd while the one envisaging conduction of a new referendum
arouses deep concerns.

Jilavian Emma:
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