Seventeen Members of Armenian Parliament Visit ATG Wheat Fields

The Armenian Technology Group
Fresno, California
Contact: Varoujan Der Simonian
Tel: 559-224-1000

1300 E. Shaw Ave, Suite 149
P.O.Box 5969
Fresno, CA 93755-5969
Tel: 559-224-1000
Fax: 559-224-1002
Email: [email protected]

July 15, 2009

Seventeen Members of Armenian Parliament Visit ATG Wheat Fields

Members of the Armenian National Assembly gave an exploratory visit to
ATG wheat fields planted with conservation farming methodology in
Armenia earlier this spring. These 17 Members of Parliament (MP’s)
represent the Agricultural Committee within the Armenian Parliament,
and they shape the agricultural policy within the National Parliament.

The purpose of their visit was to investigate and learn about
conservation farming systems that ATG has introduced to Armenia and
how this system can benefit the farming sector in Armenia.

To maximize farmer accessibility and on-going extension education
during the 2008-2009 planting season, ATG selected seven geographic
sites in Shirak, Lori and Armavir regions as experimental trial plots
using conservation no-till farming technology for training farmers.

The MP’s visited the Shirak and Lori regions of Armenia, where ATG has
planted their winter and spring demonstration fields. Gagik Mkrchyan,
director of ATG Foundation in Armenia, explained to the MP’s the
benefits of the new methodology to the environment and particularly to
the private farmers.

The MP’s learned firsthand the immediate benefits of no-till farming:
moisture retention in the soil and reduction of erosion, two major
problems facing the Armenian farmer, particularly those who farm on
dry or hilly terrain, which make up much of the country’s
land. Farmers can reduce their water usage by up to 25% and reduce
soil erosion by as much as 95%.

The visiting MP’s observed that these two benefits alone are enough to
justify conservation farming in the Republic.

The President of ATG’s Board of Directors, Dr. Jim Reynolds, said, `We
value highly the visit of the MP’s to our fields and their interest in
no-till practices. Their support is vital in modernizing farming
approach in the republic.’

The current economic situation in Armenia has created a very difficult
situation: many farmers are no longer able to afford cultivating their
land. The inefficiency of available farm equipment and the rising
costs of fuel and irrigation water make it almost impossible for small
farmers to break even. As a result, thousands of hectares of land have
been left idle and are not being cultivated. In the long term, this
will have a significant negative impact on the local food supplies.

As ATG Executive Director Varoujan Der Simonian states, `It is crucial
that we move fast and provide opportunities to the farmers to
gradually convert their operation to conservation and no-till systems
technology in order to sustain themselves and generate food for the

By applying conservation farming practices, farmers would be able to
reduce their labor cost by 50%, farm equipment operation and
maintenance cost by 50% and fuel consumption by 37% – resulting in an
overall savings of 65% of their operating cost. The above savings will
help small and mid-size farming enterprises to produce food at a lower
cost and function profitably.

Following their visit, the Speaker of Parliament issued an invitation
to ATGF Director Gagik Mkrchyan to make a presentation to the full
house of the Armenian Parliament regarding the benefits that no-till
farming systems technology can bring to the Republic. Mr. Mkrchyan
will make his presentation in early Fall 2009.

As a non-profit organization, ATG depends on public support to carry
out its mission. On this 20th anniversary of assisting the people of
Armenia, ATG seeks public financial support to transfer this
conservation farming technology to Armenia.

Armenian Technology Group, Inc., 1300 East Shaw Avenue, suite 131,
P.O. Box 5969, Fresno, CA 93755-5969