NKR MFA: No Agreement Possible Without The Participation Of Karabakh


15.07.2009 16:29

Due to the recent developments around the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict
settlement, the NKR Ministry of Foreign Affairs considers it essential
to issue the following statement:

"The NKR stance on the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict settlement is
stable. It is impossible to achieve the conflict settlement, ignoring
the existing reality. Any attempts to return the Nagorno Karabakh
Republic to the past are not only counterproductive, but are also
fraught with new escalation of the conflict.

Real progress at the negotiations is possible only in case the Karabakh
party’s equal participation in all the stages of the negotiation
process. No agreement regarding the interests, fate, and future of the
Nagorno Karabakh Republic can be adopted without the participation of
its people and leadership, which bears the principal responsibility
for it.

We hope that all the actors interested in the peaceful settlement will
prevent any violation of the status-quo in the region caused by the
intensification of the negotiation process on the basis of the current
settlement wording. Proceeding from the abovementioned, we consider it
required to reset the distorted negotiation process, to return the NKR
to the negotiation table as an equal party to the negotiation process,
and to transform the basic principles of the settlement."