ARF Sends Letters To The US, Russian And French Embassies In Armenia

Siranush Muradyan

16.07.2009 17:48

The Supreme Body of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation
Dashnaktsutyun has come forth with a statement and has sent letters to
the Ambassadors of the United States, Russia and France to Armenia,
expressing concern over the processes around the settlement of the
Karabakh issue, representative of the ARF Supreme Body, MP Armen
Rustamyan told a press conference today.

In the letters the ARF expresses deep dissatisfaction with the
unreasonable pressure from the Minsk Group co-chair countries to
ensure unilateral and dangerous concessions.

Applying to the Ambassadors of the co-chair countries to Armenia,
the ARF Supreme Body has stressed, in part: "Following the summit of
the Group of Eight and on the eve of the meeting of the Presidents
of Armenia and Azerbaijani in Moscow on July 17, we apply to you
to express the disappointment of world-spread Armenians with the
unreasonable pressure from the co-chair countries to ensure unilateral
and dangerous concessions."

ARF ensures in the letter that "the concessions will imperil the
security of Armenia, the Nagorno Karabagh Republic (NKR) and the
Armenian people; increase the prospects of renewed Azerbaijani
aggression; and undermine the ability of the actual parties to this
conflict to reach a truly lasting and durable peace."=0 D

Armen Rustamyan presented also the statement of the Supreme Body
with which they require the resignation of Foreign Minister Edward

"The President has an opportunity not to sign this document. Should he
sign it, we’ll apply to other means of struggle. We do not demand the
President to resign, giving him a chance to keep the process moving,"
he said

ARF considers that a Turkish-Azerbaijani tandem has been created,
which works coordinated on the issue. Armen Rustamyan considers that
Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh should respond in the same way.