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Primate asks community to pray for victims of Caspian Air crash

Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Contact: Chris Zakian
Tel: (212) 686-0710; Fax: (212) 779-3558
E-mail: chrisz@armeniandiocese.org

July 15, 2009


In response to the tragic crash of Caspian Airlines Flight 7908, en
route from Tehran to Yerevan, in which all crew and passengers lost
their lives, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern
Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, issued a directive to the
leaders of all Diocesan parishes. He asked the community to offer
prayers for the victims, among whom were numerous Armenians. What
follows is the text of that message, issued on July 15, 2009:

`This morning, we awoke to the terrible news that an airliner had
crashed in Iran, taking the lives of all onboard. Such news is always
tragic, whatever the circumstances; but for us as Armenians, it was
especially dispiriting to learn that the flight had departed from
Tehran en route to Yerevan, and that so many of the people on board
were our fellow countrymen.

`News reports cite six Armenian nationals – that is, citizens of the
Republic of Armenia – among those who lost their lives today. But to
read the flight manifest is to become aware of numerous Armenian
surnames and given names among the 156 passengers and 12 crew members
– several crew members, and at least a third of the passengers –
indicating that many Iranian-Armenians were also on board the doomed

`Our hearts go out to all the victims of Flight 7908, and their
families. May God be with them, and comfort them in this time of

`Our special prayers go for the souls of our lost brothers and
sisters, who only a few hours ago said goodbye to their families, or
expected to shortly be reunited with them – but now will never be seen
again. We ask our risen Lord to remember them on the day of his
judgment, and to console and strengthen their loved ones.

`With this directive, I am asking our parishes to hold a special
hokehankisd service this Sunday, July 19, for the repose of the souls
of the crash victims.

`May God bless you and all our people.’


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Nalbandian Eduard:
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