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Armenian Ambassador To Ukraine Visits Dnepropetrovsk Region


Noyan Tapan
July 17, 2009

KIEV, JULY 17, NOYAN TAPAN – ARMENIANS TODAY. Armenian Ambassador to
the Ukraine Armen Khachatrian visited the Dnepropetrovsk region in
the Ukraine on July 13-14 on the occasion of the events taken place
in the region’s Marganets city. To recap, at the beginning of July
in an argument on domestic ground an Armenian who is a resident of
Marganets struck a deadly blow with a knife to an Ukrainian police
officer, after which some anti-Armenian activities and a brawl started.

According to the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs, during the
visit Ambassador Khachatrian had meetings with the authorities of
Dnepropetrovsk region and the city of Marganets, some representatives
of the legal bodies, and discussed issues regarding the inquest of
the case.

The authorities of the region and the city told RA Ambassador that
the accident happened on domestic ground and it was qualified as
a hooliganism.

According to the local authorities, the situation now has been calmed
down and is under the full control of the legal bodies.

The authorities of the region mentioned that the Armenian community
of the region is a model one and the Armenians enjoy the respect and
sympathy of the region’s authorities. RA Ambassador expressed his
gratitude for the steps taken by the authorities of the region and
city and for taking the situation under control to avoid the further
undesirable developments.

During the visit Armen Khachatrian had a meeting with representatives
of Armenian community of the city of Marganets and discussed the
situation of the city.

The RA Ambassador convened a press conference on the results of the
visit and during it presented the goal of his visit, meetings taken
place there, issues which were discussed and answered the numerous
questions of local reporters.

Antonian Lara:
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