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Amb. Yovanovitch joined Fuller Center to buid a house in Haytagh

Contact: Haykuhi Khachatryan
Fuller Center for Housing Armenia
Yerevan 0033, Baghramyan str. 3rd lane, house 10a
Tel: (+374 10) 271 499

July 18, – The Ambassador of the United States of America in Armenia joined
Fuller Center for Housing Armenia Global Builders international volunteers’
team from New Jersey to build a house with the Arshakyan family in Haytagh
Community, Armavir region.

Arshakyans have two teenage children who don’t know what it feels like to
have their own home. The half-built construction that the family owns was
started 10 years ago and is still incomplete. "It is hard to complete
construction of a home and at the same time care for a family", said Ashot,
the father.

The idea of serving those in housing need brought together volunteers from
all parts of the world. The assistance of embassy personnel and overseas
volunteers helps the families to re-discover their hope for a better future
and become full community members. Ambassador Marie L. Yovanovitch led a
group of U.S. Embassy volunteers, together with 12 compatriots from New
Jersey, to assist the Arshakyans with their house construction. They joined
forces for a day to make a difference in the life of an average Armenian
family in need of housing. "What is special about this project is the
combination of the volunteerism, what that means is that when we work
together we can solve any problem. I think all of us would agree that the
housing is the basic need, many of us would say it is the basic right": said
the Ambassador.

"We appreciate the Ambassador’s willingness to join us in our mission. For
families living in need for so long it is very important to feel the support
of individuals who care about their basic rights, like having a place where
they can raise their children and make plans for a decent future," mentioned
Ashot Yeghiazaryan, the President of Fuller Center for Housing Armenia.

"I have been building with such families during the last 6 years, at first
as a team member, now as a team leader. Each time, I see how important our
contribution is for a family who dreamed of owning their own home. Each time
I can feel how these families are inspired and filled with happiness seeing
that there are many people all over the world caring about their needs and
ready to help them." said Leo Manualian, the team leader." I am sure that
the children, seeing the Ambassador at the site working shoulder to shoulder
with the team members, and their family as well, will accept the credo to
help and be responsible for those in need in the future."

The Fuller Center for Housing Armenia, working to eliminate poverty
housing by providing long-term, interest-free loans and by assisting
with the volunteer work helping low-income families to build simple,
sustainable, affordable houses and renovate their houses, at

For more details, please contact to Haykuhi KhachatryanFuller Center
for Housing Armenia by phone (37410 271499) or visit our website

Fuller Center for Housing Armenia assists low- income families to
build or renovate safe, simple, comfortable homes,by offering them
long-term, interest free loans, Their monthly repayments flow into the
Revolving Fund and are used to help more families, thereby providing
the financial foundation for a sustainable community development

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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