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Edward Nalbandian: The Recent Noise About Nagorno Karabakh Groundles



"The recent noise around the Karabakh issue is groundless. On one hand
it can be explained by naivety, on the other hand it’s an attempt to
fish in troubled waters," Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian
said at a press conference with his Swedish counterpart Carl Bildt.

The EU Troika Delegation headed by the Foreign Minister of the
Kingdom of Sweden, Carl Bildt, is in Armenia within the framework of
a regional visit.

Minister Nalbandian said that during the meeting with Carl Bildt he
had informed his Swedish counterpart about the process of settlement of
the Karabakh issue, the results of the talks between the Presidents of
Armenia and Azerbaijan in Moscow. "We confirmed our common approach
that the issue should be solved exceptionally in a peaceful way,"
Edward Nalbandian said.

The Armenian Foreign Minister reminded that Armenian had not given
its consent to the Madrid Principles. "The principles provide a basis
for negotiations," he said.

As for the statement that the parries discussed the time frame for
the return of territories during the Moscow talks, the Minister said
the issue had not been touched upon in Moscow.

Turning to Armenia-EU relations, the Foreign Minister of Sweden said:
"We are ready to help and support Armenia on the way of implementation
of reforms. We will continue what we have started," Carel Bildt stated.

"We are ready to provide assistance to Armenia on issues of regional
security and support the activity of the OSCE Minsk Group. As for
the Armenian-Turkish relation, we consider that the opening of the
border will benefit Armenia," The Swedish Foreign Minister stated.

During the meeting the Foreign Ministers of the two countries dwelt
upon Aremnian-Swedish relations, discussed the cooperation in the
economic sphere. "All of us face economic difficulties. Therefore,
we should encourage free trade. We have to consider different ways
of simplifying the visa regime," Carl Bildt said.

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