Upcoming War


14:10:47 – 22/07/2009

The former commander of the NKR defense army Samvel Babayan expressed
his opinion on July 22 stating that he thinks that Azerbaijan is
getting prepared for a war.

He noted that he sees a danger of war in the nearest future. He stated
that everyone sees what is happening now in Azerbaijan, what is bought,
how many arms it has. He stated that if Azerbaijani representatives of
the intelligence service study the Armenian language, they are surely
not going to conquer Iran or Georgia. He thinks that Azerbaijan does
anything possible to take the ball in the Armenian side.

"Azerbaijan does not have any arrangement, which will force it not
to start a new war. I am sure and I have no doubt that Azerbaijan
is getting prepared for a new war. We have to be ready for this
war. I am the first, who does not want a new war, but unfortunately,
it is the truth. We send our troops to Kosovo, or Iraq, we do not
want to defend our lands. We have everything, and we are ready to
give anything only to avoid a war, I do not agree with this opinion,
our army has to be ready for a war", stated Samvel Babayan.

In answer to the question, whether our army is ready, Samvel Babayan
stated that the question is to be addressed to military officials. At
the same time, Babayan assures that in case of starting a war,
Azerbaijan will bear great20losses, because a war is won by ideas
not by the number of weapons and people. In case of starting a war,
Azerbaijan will have another two million refugees, and it will have
to feed them and not its army.