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ANC-WR Intern Spotlight: Nare Kupelian

Armenian National Committee – Western Region
104 North Belmont, Suite 200
Glendale, California 91206
Telephone: (818) 500-1918
Facsimile: (818) 246-7353


For Immediate Release
July 22, 2009
Contact: Haig Hovsepian
Tel: (818) 500-1918

Nare Kupelian takes local activism to the regional level

GLENDALE, CA — Community and Government Affairs Intern Nare Kupelian joins
the Armenian National Committee-Western Region’s Internship-Externship
Program (ANC-WR IEP) this summer as a graduate of the ANC Glendale
Internship Program. Nearly half-way through the summer session, Kupelian is
already working on her assigned projects with several local ANCs, including
the ANC of San Diego County.

`I applied to the IEP program because it would allow me to work for a cause
that I am passionate about,’ says Kupelian. `Growing up, I learned about
the Armenian Genocide from my grandparents and I developed awareness of the
issue from a young age. I could not see a better way to spend my summer
than to work to raise awareness about this issue.’

One of her main projects has her teamed up with fellow intern Razmig
Khayalian to help local ANCs connect with their elected officials this
summer. Working with the ANC of San Diego County, Kupelian is organizing
its upcoming community issues briefing. This project has a particular
significance for her as she also recently became a member of the ANC San
Diego County’s Executive Committee.

During the summer of 2008, Kupelian was an intern with the ANC of Glendale.
Although that experience prepared her for the ANC-WR IEP, she also noticed
several differences between working in the two offices.

`In Glendale, we focused mainly on issues of importance to the community in
the city. We had our eyes and ears open to the happenings of Glendale,’
says Kupelian. `In the Western Region office, our work covers a large
geographic area consisting of several states and our efforts are geared
towards strengthening local ANCs helping them reach out to and better serve
their communities.`

At UCSD, Kupelian is studying Political Science with an emphasis on
International Relations. She is a member of the Armenian-interest sorority,
Alpha Gamma Alpha as well as the Armenian Student Association on campus.
After finishing her undergraduate studies, Kupelian plans on attending law
school and hopes to stay involved in politics.

`The ANC has taught me to be persistent in my actions in order to achieve
something,’ she says. `The political sphere is detail-oriented and requires
you to match passion with a solid, convincing argument to win over support
for issues of concern to you.’

The Armenian National Committee – Western Region is the largest Armenian
American grassroots community organization in the Western United States.
Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters
throughout the Western United States and affiliated organizations around the
country, the ANC-WR works to promote understanding regarding issues of
concern to the Armenian American community.

Kanayan Tamar:
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