Karabakh Waiting For "Updated Principles"

Siranush Muradyan

23.07.2009 17:48

The Madrid Principles include six points, none of which is
pro-Armenian, political scientist Levon Shirinyan told a press
conference today.

"Which one of the principles is pro-Armenian: the return of
territories, creation of a small corridor, or a different one?"

"It’s necessary to refuse from illusions," the political scientist
declared. "It’s often said that the issue cannot be solved without
the concurrence of the people of Karabakh. It can well be solved as
it happened in 1923," Levon Shirinyan said.

Spokesman for NKR President, political scientist David Babayn said
speaking about the Madrid Principles today is not very correct, because
today many speak about "updated principles," and we still have to wait
for their clarification. He is assured that there is contradiction
with the basic OSCE document, because Karabakh does not participate
in the negotiations today. "However, it’s good that negotiations are
under way, although without the participation of Nagorno Karabakh."

Levon Shirinyan assessed the publicized Madrid Principles as simply a
response to the shaky global policy, where the relations between the
United States and China are aggravating. To reinforce their positions,
the Presidents of the two countries seek Russia’s partner ship,
while Russia is constantly eluding.