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NKR: State Assistance Only To Conscientious Land Users


NKR Government Information and Public Relations Department
July 24, 2009

The indices of the coming to an end harvesting and further deeds
have become the issue of discussion in Martouni region. As in
other regions here results are not satisfying as well. In spite of
a number of programmes aimed at increase of grain crop capacity,
an average productivity of it has considerably decreased. What
is the reason for it? -this was in the center of attention of the
conference in Martouni regional center, which was conducted by the
Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan. An average crop capacity forms 13.2
centners. Incomparable higher crop capacity indices were recorded
in areas left fallowed last year, an average crop capacity forming
23.6 centners per a hectare. In comparison with the same period last
year the gross harvest had decreased by 10 thousand 532 centners,
and an average crop capacity by 8.2 centners.

Surely, some land users managed to provide higher indices, more than
30 hectares from a centner, which once again emphasizes the role of
the human element.

The harvesting in Martouni region was carried out without losses. Owing
to 5 combine harvesters invited from the RA Gegharkounic province
it became possible to accomplish works in time. The fire-prevention
services were also up to the mark.

Of course, works are carried out , but the final results, which are
recorded while harvesting, are far from being satisfactory. This was
the Prime Minister’s estimation. Grain cultivation must be the prior
branch of agriculture, though from 1995 by today an average index
of crop capacity doesn’t exceed 21 centners from a hectare. The
reason is the land users’ not conscientious approach, the head of
the Government considers.

The Prime Minister is especially discontented with tenants. In case,
farmers, owners of nearby village areas realize all necessary agro
arrangements properly and provide 20-25 centners of grain from a
hectare, then it can not be said about the major of tenants. Foreseen
legislative changes in the near time will allow taking some appropriate
measures (rights up to the rental agreement dissolve inclusively).

The state policy will be changed as well. Only conscientious land
users will be involved in state assistance programmes.

Yeghisabet Arthur:
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