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Armenia, Serbia Interested In Expanding Bilateral Cooperation


27.07.2009 18:18

The newly appointed Ambassador of Serbia to Armenia, Dragan
Jupanievatzi (seat in Athens), presented his credentials to President
Serzh Sargsyan.

President Sargsyan congratulated the diplomat on appointment
and expressed hope that he would contribute to the development of
bilateral relations.

Serzh Sargsyan said the two countries have a great potential of
cooperation in different spheres and steps should be taken to utilize
it. In this regard, he attached great importance to the visit of the
Serbian President to Armenia scheduled for July 28.

Stressing the numerous historical-cultural similarities and the warm
attitude between the Armenian and Serbian peoples, the President
noted with gratitude that the Serbian people have always extended a
helping hand at hard points of Armenian history.

"We’ll never forget the Yugoslavian soldiers that perished in an air
crash, when delivering humanitarian assistance to Armenia after the
devastating earthquake of 1988," the President said.

President Sargsyan and Ambassador Jupanievatz discussed issues
connected with the expansion of economic and cultural ties,
intensification of interparliamentary ties, cooperation within
international organizations.

The Ambassador of Serbia assured he would do his best for the
development of multifaceted cooperation between the two countries.

Vardapetian Ophelia:
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