BAKU: Iran’s Readiness To Supply Nuclear Fuel To Armenia Is Dangerou


July 27 2009

Political expert Rasim Agayev spoke in an exclusive interview Day.Az.

Day.Az: To what degree Iran’s supply of nuclear fuel dangerous for

Rasim Agayev: This is a very dangerous sign for Azerbaijan and
the region as a whole, although it was expected. There are clear
signs of militarization in the Greater Caucasus. Iran adjoins this
geopolitical region with arms race with its program of military
development. Armenia’s nuclear pretensions should have been predicted.

It is typical for Armenia and it does not conceal its military
ambitions. Hence, such a trend, given the aggressive course of
Armenia. Its ambitions and claims include acquiring military
capabilities that would put it in a unique position not only with
Azerbaijan but also with Turkey, where it could speak the language
of force.

Q: How can Iran’s supply of nuclear fuel to Armenia impact situation
in the region?

A: If such pretension is realized and Armenia which is linked to
Russia with military and strategic commitments, I am afraid that
the Caucasus will resemble the south-east Asia, which will be very
difficult to calm down and control.

The West turns a blind eye to such pretension by Armenia and it will
seriously change the situation. Quite different tasks will be set
before Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani diplomacy should exercise serious
control over this process, investigate and ring the bell.

I think it is high time to make proposals and policy initiatives
related to the demilitarization of the South Caucasus. The issue
is not that Armenia will have nuclear weapons, but the fact that
saturation of arms in this small region of the globe. The South
Caucasus is becoming a powder keg which is easy to blow up.

On the other hand the message could be viewed as a definite signal
from Iran to Azerbaijan in connection with the problems emerging in
relations between Baku and Tehran.

Q: Does IAEA exercise control over this issue?

A: IAEA should directly control the various nuclear programs of
Iran. I believe that we should involve the IAEA in this regard due
to the fact that Azerbaijan will build the nuclear power plant,
but in Armenia it is already there.