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Chess: Aronian On Mainz: I Wish Chess Could Always Be Like This


Chessbase News
July 27 2009

26.07.2009 – The 2007 Chess Classic starts on Monday, with a simul
on 40 boards by GM Levon Aronian. The Armenian Olympic Champion and
world number four goes on to defend his Chess960 title and then play in
the Rapid World Championship against World Champion Vishy Anand. What
does he think about the Mainz event? Levon clearly thinks it is great
fun. Light-hearted interview.

Chess Classic Mainz 2009

The 2009 Chess Classic will take place from July 27 to August 2 in
the Rheingoldhalle of the Congress Centre, Hilton Hotel in Mainz,
Germany. The event includes tournaments and Opens in traditional and
Random Chess, with stars like the current World Champion Vishy Anand,
Levon Aronian of Armenia, strong Russian junior GM Ian Nepomniachtchi
and top German GM Arkadij Naiditsch. Schedule below.

Interview: You need a good feeling for harmony Levon Aronian is
the current number four in of the world. He is also known as one
of the very best rapid players. During the 2009 Chess Classic the
Armenian Olympic Champion will be the main actor. He will open the
Chess Classic with a traditional simul on 40 boards, he will try
to defend his Chess960 title and he will fight for the crown in the
GRENKELEASING Rapid World Championship against World Champion Vishy
Anand. Levon is also a great fan of computer chess and you can be
sure that he will be a visitor of the Livingston Chess960 Computer
World Championship. Harry Schaack spoke with the regular guest in
Mainz who likes fun in chess, often has a twinkle in his eye, and
emanates surprising light-heartedness.

Harry Schaack: Levon, this year you are the main act of the Chess
Classic because you will be playing in both main tournaments, the
Chess960 and the GRENKELEASING Rapid World Championship. Moreover, you
will be opening the event with the traditional simul on 40 boards. Let
us start with the latter: Do you want to break Anand’s record of 39-1,
or is that not on your mind?

Levon Aronian: Well, I like simultaneous events. I think it is a
friendly way to give amateurs the opportunity to play with a top
player. The most important factor in a simul is time. Since Vishy is
such a fast player, I am not sure I can keep pace with his speed. And
his score record is not on my mind. I don’t look for the points. I
just try to have fun and entertain my opponents.

You are the World Champion in Chess960. What do you think about this
unusual event?

In Chess960 you can’t really say this guy is the best. After all the
World Championship is played with rapid time control – which is ok for
now. Maybe in the future, other organizers besides Hans-Walter Schmitt
will start making Chess960 events. Then we can play a proper Chess960
World Championship with classical time control. But for now, I think
any format we choose is fine. This event is interesting entertainment.

You won the Chess960 title 2006 in a match against Svidler. 2007 you
defended your title in a round robin with a subsequent match between
the first and second placed player. Which format is better?

I think people benefit from looking at four players more than from
a challenge between two.

And which format is better for you?

I actually don’t really care. In a round robin format there is more
randomness and thus more tension. When you are playing in a match,
you know what you have to do. With more players, one unlucky result
can change the whole situation and decide about the qualification
for the final. This makes things exciting and I think the fight is
harder when you play with more players. I guess this format is more
interesting for the spectators.

This year, you have tough opponents. Have you already played a Chess960
game against one of the participants?

I don’t think so. But I would not call myself a person with a good
memory (laughs). I can be mistaken.

Who do you regard as your main rival?

Well, all the players are strong. Everyone can be a rival. And you
also have to take into account that this is Chess960, where lower-rated
players beat higher-rated players more often.

One of your opponents will be Hikaru Nakamura who is known as one of
the best rapid chess players in the world. Can you say a few words
about his style?

It’s already a long time ago that I played against him. So I can’t
really say something substantial. I like to play with someone to get a
direct impression of his chess – to establish a personal chess relation
with them. I guess that’s the only way to judge a chessplayer. To
comment on a player I haven’t played against would be mere guesswork.

Can you say a few words about Movsesian and Bologan?

Not so long ago I played against Movsesian. I think he has improved
because he now plays with more focus. And I am happy to see his
results in the last years. I think he is strong enough to pose a
threat to anyone. I played quite a few times with Bologan. He is
a solid and kind of all-round player. He is good at manoeuvring,
and that is why Chess960 suits him.

You have a preference for many chess variations like bughouse
etc. Above all, you are the world’s leading expert in Chess960. Can
you give our readers an idea what is most important in Chess960?

I think you need a feeling for harmony. You have to develop your
pieces properly and must know how to manoeuvre them. It is a very
tricky game. Tactics play a much bigger role in Chess960 than in
classical chess. Some players who play this game well survive because
of their tactical strength. But if you want to play a perfect game,
you need a strategic vision.

Why are tactics more important in Chess960 than in classical chess?

In Chess 960 unusual and tactical motifs often crop up, motifs, which
you might see in problems or studies but rarely in classical games.

The spectators can’t wait for the highlight of Mainz 2009, the
GRENKELEASING Rapid World Championship – also a round robin with four
players. You will try for the second time to dethrone World Champion
Vishy Anand, who has won the event eleven times. Many people remember
your fantastic matches in 2007 when you lost with 1.5-2.5 in the
final. What mistakes did you make in 2007?

I don’t think I made any big mistakes in 2007…

Anand vs Aronian in Mainz

Was it just bad luck?

No, Vishy played better and won deservedly. But it has nothing to
do with dethroning or anything. "Going for it" is fun. When people –
for example me and Vishy – have played against each other for a while,
they establish a connection. They try to beat each other even without
any extra stimulus – just for the feeling of it. Because it is fun.

But it is also a competition, isn’t it?

Yes, but in rapid tournaments your rating doesn’t count. Nowadays,
rating is so important for a professional player. All invitations
are connected with rating. That means you are more relaxed and more
creative in rapid chess, I would say. And the players are in a more
friendly mood.

You are willing to take more risks in rapid games?

Yes. I think most people do. You go for lines that are entertaining
though not necessarily completely correct.

Is the surprise-factor in the opening more important in rapid chess?

Surprise is always important. But in rapid tournaments you can also
go for some dubious lines. Just to surprise your opponent, because
he doesn’t have so much time to refute your idea.

How do you assess your chances against Vishy this year?

Well, this time I want to win. That is the plan (laughing).

With Nepomniachtchi and the German number Naiditsch, two youngsters
want to make your life difficult. What do you expect from these

It is a good field. Double A (Anand, Aronian) against double N
(Nepomniachtchi, Naiditsch). I have not played against them for quite a
while. I don’t know, but I’ve seen their games and they are dangerous.

You are a great fan of Computer Chess, and I am sure that you will
visit the Livingston Chess960 Computer World Championship. Why are you
so fascinated by this clash of chess programs? Or to put it this way:
can’t you have the same thing at home on your personal computer?

Yes, but you don’t get that amount of information. You sit next to
the people who developed these programs. And you see how much they
care and how important it is for them. They know everything about the
programs. I am fascinated by the atmosphere of joking and having fun.

Do you think you can learn anything about the programs?

I am not sure if that is the best way to learn something about the
programs. But just talking to people who do things which are very
important for chess players make me want to go there. The whole
atmosphere is nice.

You have been a regular guest of the Chess Classic for many
years. Before you won the Chess960 World Championship, you were the
only player ever to win the FiNet Chess960 Open twice. What does the
Chess Classic mean for your career?

Well, you know, the first time I won the tournament, my rating
was around 2600 or maybe even less. Winning that tournament gave my
self-confidence a boost. For me, Chess960 is a kind of pure chess. This
kind of chess somehow shows whether someone knows where to put his
pieces. Maybe that was the reason why I won this tournament twice,
to show that my success was no coincidence (laughs). In my opinion
Chess960 shows that a player has talent. And that was a good feeling.

You think Chess960 is a good indicator of talent because you cannot
hide behind your opening knowledge?

Yes, I think in Chess960 the more creative players are in a better
position than people who are more into remembering opening lines.

Did you play Chess960 in other tournaments or in private?

No, somehow I have never played it.

Did you do any preparation for Chess960?

Yes, I read some books and watched some movies (laughed). To be
relaxed is good training for your inspiration.

The Chess Classic is a big festival. What’s your impression of the
event? What is different compared to other events, what is unique?

Aronian with his girl-friend Arianne Caoili, who will also be playing
in Mainz

One thing is that a lot of people enjoy this form of chess. Everybody
is there and they say: "I wish chess could always be like this." For
me it is a meeting with people I haven’t seen for a long time. I
have many friends from that part of Germany. When I was playing for
Wattenscheid in the Bundesliga, I used to hang around that area. So
it is an opportunity to meet old friends. And the location is great:
a nice city and a good tournament hall. The organisation is pleasant,
everything is very relaxed. For me it is a nice holiday and a good
tournament. I am playing my favourite chess variant and I am around
people who love that game too. What could be better?

What are your most memorable experiences of the Chess Classic?

Probably the first time I beat Svidler and won the Chess960 World
Championship 2006. You want to win because that guarantees you an
invitation for next year’s tournament. I was kind of lucky that my
title defence from 2008 was delayed to this year because last year
I had other obligations. So I got an additional year.

But this year you will have two chances to be reinvited…

Yes, I will try to grasp this opportunity.

Thank you very much and good luck.

Toganian Liana:
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