Yerevan Mayor Visits Yerevan Sister-Town – Montreal


July 27, 2009

YEREVAN, JULY 27, ARMENPRESS: Yerevan mayor Gagik Beglaryan July
22-24 paid a visit to Montreal which is Yerevan’s sister-town since
2001. During the visit the mayor met with the mayor of Montreal
Jerald Tramblay and Minister of Municipal Affairs and Territorial
Administration of Quebec province Loran Lesar.

Armenian Foreign Ministry press service told Armenpress that during
the meetings prospects of activation of cooperation between Yerevan
and Montreal have been discussed. Gagik Beglaryan referred to the
opportunity of building Montreal or Quebec "house" in Yerevan as a
center of francophone and encouragement of bilateral cultural and
trade-economic ties.

The Yerevan mayor visited also Montreal "Saint Michele" nature
protection complex which is majoring in garbage procession and met
with the representatives of snow removal companies.

The Yerevan mayor had a separate meeting with the members of
parliament of Montreal City Council of Armenian decent, visited
Armenian institutions of the city.