NKR: The OSCE Monitoring To Be Held


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2009-07-29 15:13
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic

The Office of the Personal Representative of the OSCE
Chairman-in-Office appealed to the NKR authorities for their support in
holding the scheduled-for-August 4 monitoring of the NKR and AR armed
forces’ contact-line near Talish settlement of Martakert region, NKR.

>From the NKR Defense Army positions, the monitoring will be held by
Coordinator of the OSCE Office, Lieutenant-Colonel Imre Palatinus
(Hungary) and Field Assistant of the Personal Representative of the
OSCE Chairman-in-Office Vladimir Chuntulov (Bulgaria).

>From the opposite side, the monitoring group will be headed by Personal
Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Andrzej Kasprzyk.

>From the Karabagh party, the monitoring mission will be accompanied
by representatives of the NKR Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry
of Defense.