Armenia To Give "Proper Response" If War Threats Become Reality – Le


July 30 2009

Yerevan, 30 July: Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan stated in Yerevan
today that if the authors of military menaces addressed to Armenia
decide to realize them, they will receive a proper response.

Mediamax reports that Serzh Sargsyan said this, speaking at the parade
of graduates of military educational establishments today, devoted
to the 15th anniversary of establishment of the Ministry of Defence’s
Military Institute [named] after [late Prime Minister] Vazgen Sargsyan.

The president stated that "the Armenian Army will continue its holy
mission with pride, remaining the reliable defender of our state’s
and the people’s security, an irreplaceable and basic component of
regional security and stability".

"Today we are strong, stronger than ever, our Army is solid, modern
and capable of fulfilling any task. It has passed with honour the
exam of not only war, but peace as well, symbolizing the victorious
spirit of all Armenians," Serzh Sargsyan stated.

The president reminded those threatening Armenia with a war words
from the Bible: "For all they that take the sword shall perish with
the sword".

"The best sons of our nation, the generation of our fathers, my
generation prove the truth of these words. Let no one doubt that if
necessary, the same will happen today as well. From today on, each
of you is the sword of justice and retribution and the unbreakable
shield of Armenia and Artsakh [breakaway Azeri region of Nagornyy
Karabakh], facing which, any claims of the enemy will be smashed",
Serzh Sargsyan stated, addressing the graduates.