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Newly Renovated Vedi Polyclinic Welcomes Children And Their Parents


31.07.2009 11:16

On July 31, 2009, the head of the USAID/Armenia Social Reform Office
Sangita Patel and Mayor of Vedi Varuzhan Barseghyan cut the ribbon
at a ceremony marking the re-opening of the Vedi Medical Center’s
Children Polyclinic.

This renovation was made possible through the joint efforts of the
US government, local Armenian government and the Vedi Medical Center
with the support of USAID Project NOVA.

The Vedi Municipality and the Medical Center provided 25% of the
renovation budget, while USAID Project NOVA contributed 75%. In
addition, as part of Project NOVA, the Vedi Polyclinic personnel –
pediatricians and family physicians – participated in a series of
state-of-the-art training activities focusing on child health.

Project NOVA has worked in the Vedi region since 2006. Project
interventions include the establishment of a School of Motherhood,
renovation and furnishing of the Women’s Consultation Center at
the Vedi Maternity, as well as training of medical personnel in
key maternal and child healthcare competencies. The Project has
also renovated 10 rural health posts in the Vedi region through the
Community Partnership for Health initiative, trained 14 community
nurses in Safe Motherhood Clinical Skills and provided them with
basic equipment and supplies required for mother and child healthcare.

USAID Project NOVA works in Armenia to improve the quality of and
access to maternal and child healthcare, particularly in rural areas,
by improving the performance of healthcare workers, providing basic
clinical equipment and supplies, renovating healthcare facilities,
and mobilizing and educating communities.

It is implemented by a consortium of international organizations
– Emerging Markets Group, IntraHealth International and Save the
Children in close partnership with the Ministry of Health, marz
health departments, Yerevan State Medical University, leading medical
colleges, National Institute of Health and healthcare facilities.

Ekmekjian Janet:
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