Categories: News

For Or Against Casinos?


04:45 pm | July 31, 2009 | society

Director of the Armenian Center for Strategic and National
Investigation Richard Kirakosian and President of the "Reform"
NGO Karine Hakobyan raised concerns over the the latest government
resolution on casinos, but the presses perceived this differently.

According to the government resolution, casinos will be moved to
resorts in Tsakhkadzor, Sevan and Jermuk starting in 2013. According
to the guest speakers at the "Hayeli" club, the resolution is not
in the interest of the nation and will cause problems in terms of
national security. For example, Richard Kirakosian mentioned that
casinos may have an impact on Armenia’s development.

"This is a business aimed at corruption and causes a threat to
Armenia’s security."

"This is a bill for the unlimited development of casinos. Besides that,
when the Ministry of Finance was preparing this bill, the Ministry
of Economy was preparing the concept for development in Jermuk. Both
contradict one another and the casinos represent a danger within the
country," added Karine Hakobyan.

Richard Kirakosian called on Serzh Sargsyan to leave casinos aside
and work toward developing chess, which will have a positive impact
on Armenia.

After the speeches, journalists asked why they suddenly decided to
raise concerns over the issue of casinos when they have been existing
for a long time already. Wasn’t this lobbying for existing casinos?

"No, not at all. Don’t get the wrong idea. The issue is not about
hurting casino owners or declaring them bankrupt. The problem is
Armenia’s course of development," said Karine Hakobyan. Richard
Kirakosian said that he is against gambling and although he can’t
prohibit anybody from doing that, everyone has the right to express
his opinion.

Kalashian Nyrie:
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