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Government Undertakes Efforts To Provide Village Schools Of Republic


NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Departm
July 30, 2009

At the NKR Government Session

Today, a regular session of the NKR Government chaired by the Prime
Minister Ara Haroutyunyan has taken place. The Executive has adopted
a decree on granting one time monetary allowance equal to 30 thousand
drams, to benefit receiving children of soldiers perished during
military operations while defending the NKR, as well as those deceased
during the fulfillment of service obligations, in view of September 1,
the Knowledge Day,. Payments will be conducted through "Artsakhpost"
every year beginning from August 1. In 2006, thousands of children took
an advantage of a programme made a reality, this year the assistance
will be granted to more than 630 children. The Prime Minister assigned
a task to accomplish postal money orders not later than August 15.

The Government has affirmed the list of specialties for reception in
the magistracy of Stepanakert branch of the State Agrarian University
of Armenia in 2009, quotes of places for paid and free of charge
education. In accord with the decree 9 places for free of charge
education and 5 places for paid ones are proposed in following
specialties: "Agronomy", "Veterinary Science", "Wine-Making and
Technology of Pastry-Making", as well as "Management and Economy of
Agrarian Production".

With the aim to provide schools of the republican settlements with
needed specialists a new Government decree defining the order of
directing a teacher to work in another area and giving an incentive
was affirmed.

According to this decree, at the expense of budget means they will be
paid off additional payment equal to the 50 percent of the salary and
about 20000 drams monthly financial assistance as lodging rent. The
Minister of Education informed that about 65 percent of education
hearths in distant settlements of the Republic are mainly in need of
foreign language teachers.

According to A.Haroutyuntyan’s words, the Government has to create
convinienceies for them.

By Government decree the order of deciding the state of a driver’s
soberness, and recording the results in journal was affirmed. With
the aim of toughening the invalids’ driving obligations for those
hand driving cars additions in corresponding Government decree were
introduced. An addition was made in the nominal list of Investigating
Division of the State Tax Service adjunct to the NKR Government.

By one another decree adopted by the Executive the order of organizing
of the bus terminal activity was affirmed. According to it the
demands towards equipping the station, ticket calculation activities,
maintenance personnel’s duties, as well as demands to passengers’
behavior, their registration and delivery were defined.

The Government introduced a change on decreasing the price of wood
at 50 percent in the NKR forestry fund. The head of the Government
charged with a task to strengthen the control in order timber won’t
be sold as a wood.

Today, in the number of government adopted decrees changes on land
categories of some areas being the state property were made.

Jilavian Emma:
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