However Hard West Tried


13:24:41 – 01/07/2009

On July 1, the Iranian ambassador to Armenia, Seid Ali Saghighyan
stated that the presidential election in Iran was excellent. 85 percent
of population participated in the election, 40 million ballots were
in the ballot boxes, and however hard the West, in particular, the
U.S. tried to arouse some questions in connection with the election,
Iran was able to overcome all the issues, considering its powers,
stated the Iranian ambassador.

In answer to the question, if there is no political crisis in Iran
now, he stated that what the Western means of mass media try to show
is not true. He stated that Iran appeared in worse situations in the
past 30 years.

As to the Iranian and American relations, the possibility for a
dialogue, which the U.S. new president Barack Obama stated several
months ago, the Iranian ambassador to Armenia said that Obama has to
show in practice his readiness for changes.

He stated that Obama pledged for changes before the U.S. presidential
election, but we do not see any change. Seid Ali Saghighyan stated
that the U.S. current administration will not let Obama fulfill
his pre-electoral pledges. He stated with regret that the current
administration made Obama have negative stances towards Iran. As to
the possibility for a dialogue, according to the Iranian ambassador,
Iran is waiting for concrete steps by the U.S.