New York ASA Announces Artists For 2009 Artists’ Ball


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July 28, 2009

NEW YORK-The New York branch of the Armenian Students’ Association
(ASA) recently announced the participating artists for its annual
Artists’ Ball. The famed Armenian art exhibit, which is celebrating
its 60th anniversary this fall, will be held at a new venue, Ico
Gallery Chelsea, during the weekend of Sat., Sept. 26 and Sun.,
Sept. 27. Ico Gallery Chelsea is located at 606 West 26th Street
(by 11th Avenue) in Manhattan’s world-renowned art district Chelsea.

Patrons of the Artists’ Ball will be treated to the works of
a highly talented and prolific pool of 23 artists from all over
the world. The artists scheduled to display their works are: Lucie
Abdalian, Nishan Akgulian, Eliz Alahverdian, Yvonne Albinowski, Steve
Altan, Emily Antonian LiMandri, Zabel Artinian, Stephanie Basralian,
Nerses Chorekchyan, Alain Fattal, Chris Gasparian, Haro Istamboulian,
Aram Kailian, Eileen Karakashian, Susan Kirby, Haik Kocharian, Kevork
Mourad, Sevan Naccashian, Kristina Nazarevskaia, Simon Samsonian,
Alan Semerdjian, Ani Sevag, and Berge Ara Zobian.

Spanning six decades, the Artists’ Ball provides artists of Armenian
descent with a fantastic opportunity to exhibit their artwork in a
professional show. The Artists’ Ball is one of the most well-attended
Armenian events in New York City, attesting to its longstanding
popularity as a unique cultural and social experience.