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Railroad Museum Opens In Yerevan


July 31

YEREVAN, July 31. /ARKA/. The South Caucasus Railways company opened
a railway museum in Central railway station building in Yerevan
on Friday.

According to Chief Engineer Sergey Harutyunyan, the opening of the
museum is timed with the International Railway Day, which is celebrated
on August 2nd.

"The museum presents the history of the Armenian railway, starting
from 1896 till our days. There are 10 stands, each of which shows a
certain period in the history of the railway. Some of the exhibits
are gifts from the Russian Railways ", Harutyunyan said.

The creation of the museum cost about 22 thousand dollars.

"The opening of the railway museum is due to the need to introduce
the new generation with the history of the railways in Armenia and
the people who stood at its foundation," the chief engineer of the
company said.

CJSC South Caucasus Railways, the "daughter" of OJSC Russian Railways,
manages the Armenian Railways.

The company balanced the rolling stock of the Armenian Railways on
June 1st, 2008, in accordance with the concession contract on the
transfer of state CJSC Armenian Railway for a 30 year management by
the company with the right to prolong for another 10 years by mutual
agreement,dated on February 13, 2008 The amount of investments in
the railway system of Armenia in 2009 will be 2.6 billion rubles.

Badalian Vardan:
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