Serzh Sargsyan: "Our Army Is Strong, Modern And Able To Solve Any Pr


JULY 31, 2009

YEREVAN, JULY 31, NOYAN TAPAN. The solemn ceremony of givin the
officer’s certificates to the 2009 graduates of the Vazgen Sargsian
Military Institute, Armenak Khanperiants’ Military-Aviation Institute
and Mkhitar Heratsi Medical University’s Military-Medical Faculty and
a review with participation of graduates of the military-educational
higher institutions took place on July 30 at the Respublic Square of
Yerevan. The ceremony this year coincided with the 15th foundation
anniversary of the Vazgen Sargsian Military Institute. President
of Armenia, Commander-in-Chief Serzh Sargsyan participated in the
solemn ceremony.

The RA President reported that the military educational institutions
of the country became centers for preparing skillful specialists of
the modern military art, have rich educational-technic possibilities
and experienced lecturers’ and professors’ staff and commanders. He
mentioned that the army of Armenia is strong, modern and able to
solve any problem. The Armed Forces many times proved their martial
skillfulness and high moral and will qualities when defending the
borders, holding military exercises and peace-keeping missions.

Karekin II Catholicos of All Armenians addressed his speech of blessing
to the officers, reminding that the victory is gained not only by arms,
but also by belief towards the God, love towards the Homeland, envy in
the issue of defending national sacred values and courage of the soul.

RA Defence Minister Seyran Ohanian mentioned that the country’s
military-educational institutions serve their goal of preparing
a qualified shift for the army. "As a result of development of
the science, territory and time considerably reduced today in the
military actions and the role of a person, of an officer who is
educated, aware of the highest technologies of the time, literate
and devoted to his Homeland, increased at the same level," the
Minister said. In his words, more than 4000 officers graduated from
the military-educational higher institutions of Armenia equally share
at present the responsibility for management of the armed forces.