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ReArmenia Int’l Animation Film Festival to be held in October

ReArmenia International Animation Film Festival to be held in October

01.08.2009 16:22

ReArmenia International Animation Film Festival will take place in
Armenia from October 3 to 6, following which it will move to Shushi
(Artsakh) to present the best films.

ReARmenia has received applications for participation from a number of
countries, including France, Russia, the United States, England,
Germany, Lebanon and Syria. The deadline for submitting applications
August 10.

ReAnimania’s goals are to facilitate the development of animation art,
educate a new generation of world class animators and provide a forum
for presenting works of Armenian animators in the international arena
as well as introduce examples of the world’s finest animated films to
the Armenian audience.

Chatinian Lara:
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