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Armenian National Congress Marks Its 1st Anniversary


2009-08-03 10:13:00

ArmInfo. The oppositional Armenian National Congress (ANC) is one
year old.

The ANC statement says that since the very beginning Armenian
people didn’t reconcile with the fact of establishment of unlawful
authorities, and this is proved by its 10-year fight, particularly,
by means of presidential and parliamentary elections. Since spring
2007, in connection with the presidential election, this fight turned
into a pan-national movement led by the first president of Armenia
Levon Ter-Petrosyan. Over twenty political forces and hundreds of
thousands of Armenian citizens joined him.

"The unprecedented presidential election 2008 by its cynicism and
fraud and the slaughter organized by the authorities against peaceful
demonstrators on March 1 failed to stop the Pan-National Movement. On
August 1, 2008, the Armenian National Congress was created, which
proclaimed overthrowing the current unlawful regime and establishing
constitutional order as its key goal. Within a year the ANC became
the most powerful and efficient political opposition throughout the
history of the Republic of Armenia. The Congress congratulates all
the political forces included in the Congress and supporting it,
and thanks dozens of thousands of supporters for their resoluteness
in the fight for inevitable victory of the pan- national movement",
– the statement says.

Nadirian Emma:
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