Regular Meeting Of Office Adjacent To RA Minister Of Diaspora Takes


Noyan Tapan
Aug 3, 2009

Program Stimulating Process of Repatriation as well as issues relating
to letters from citizens got by the RA Ministry of Diaspora in the
first hall of 2009, events dedicated to the one-year celebration
of the Ministry, activity of the One Nation, One Culture fund were
discussed on the agenda of the July 31 meeting of the office adjacent
of the RA Minister of Diaspora.

At the beginning RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobian stated that
the first two-week stage of the Come Home program was finished. Its
final event, the farewell evening was held with RA President Serzh
Sargsyan’s participation. Many of the meeting participants assured
that the first stage of the Come Home program passed with success
and assist development of ties between both Homeland-Diaspora and
different communities of Diaspora.

According to the Press and Publuc Relations Department of the
RA Ministry of Diaspora, based on the fact that repatriation
is observed in the RA President’s and RA government’s programs
as the most important element of the state policy as well as
taking into consideration the importance of repatriation for
solution of the demographic problems of the Republic of Armenia
and territorial-military problems of the republic, the Ministry of
Diaspora remade the draft of the program stimulating the process of
repatriation .

The draft involves the problems existing in the difficult and
many-stage process of repatriation, involving joint consistent
activity of the Homeland and Diaspora, including complete integration
of repatriates in the public, political, cultural and social-economic
life of Armenia.

In the sense of protecting the Armenian identity, different parts
of the Diasporan Armenians from the process of being estranged
and returning them to the Homeland, repatriation, in general, is
the pledge of keeping Armenian identity, so members of the office
adjacent to the RA Ministry of Diaspora made a decision to assume the
worked out document as a basis: draft to Program Stimulating Process
of Repatriation.

The Program Stimulating Process of Repatriation consists of the
following sections:

1. Stages and structures of organization of the process of

2. Problems of integration of repatriates and ways of their solution,

3. The goal, problems and principles of the RA Law on Repatriation.

The next issue of the agenda touched upon the works done by the
RA Ministry of Diaspora in the first half of 2009, reception of
citizens of Armenia and foreign ones, their proposals, applications
and protests. According to Staff Secretariate Chief of the RA
Ministry of Diaspora Gayane Mkhitarian, 899 proposals, applications
and protests of most various character (671 from RA citizens, 228
from foreign citizens) were got at the Ministry in the period of
time from 08.01.2009-01.07.2009. All the got letters were put in
corresponding process.

The list of events dedicated to the one-year anniversary of the
RA Ministry of Diaspora was introduced to the office members. It
involved most various events presenting the one-year activity of
the RA Ministry of Diaspora, a special issue of the Hayern Aysor
electronic newspaper, Armenian and English language publication
of the collection of official materials on the Homeland-Diaspora
collaboration, formation of a presentation, etc.

The next issue of the agenda touched upon programs of the One
Nation, One Culture fund. The fund, in keeping with its programs,
implemented preliminary activities in Armenia and Diaspora for proper
organization of the One Nation, One Culture festival in 2010. It was
considered necessary to organize and assist preparation and training
of specialists of the sphere of culture, creation of information data
base and net, activities on development of cultural business in the
RA. The list of programs implemented by the One Nation, One Culture
fund as well as of events scheduled for the second half of 2009 and
for 2010 was also represented.