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Conservatism Of Armenian Men Obstacle To Treatment Of Impotence


2009-08-05 13:22:00

ArmInfo. A two-day seminar "Men’s health from theory to practice"
has got underway in Yerevan. The participants of the seminar are
doctors, who in their everyday activity are involved in diagnosing,
preventing and treating male specific diseases. These are urologists,
andrologists, sexual pathologists, endocrinologists, as well as
doctors of diagnostic-laboratory centers and family doctors.

Juza Chen, MD (Israel), Member of ESSM Executive Committee Head of
Sexual Dysfunction Clinic, Department of Urology, an Israeli urologist,
representative of the European Association of Sexual medicine, says
smoking is one of the key reasons damaging the men’s potency.

In such conservative countries as Armenia, sexual problems are not
discussed openly and unwillingness of men to apply for medical care
is still a relevant problem there. Representatives of the Armenian
Diaspora in Israel display similar unwillingness to voice their sexual
problems, the urologist says. All this leads to progression of the
disease, and inveterate erectile dysfunction.

Men’s health includes solving a variety of medical and
psycho-sociological problems, which are impossible to cover during one
seminar. That’s why the primary goal of the seminar is to promote the
continuous education for specialists. For this purpose, outstanding
experts of this sphere were invited, to share their knowledge and
experience with the Armenian colleagues. They will present modern
methods of diagnosing and treating diseases of genital organs of men,
particularly erectile dysfunction, anhormonia, infertility and other
accompanying diseases.

Special attention will be devoted to the problems of reproductive
function of men, which unfortunately is the "weak link" for the
doctors, as not all diagnostic-laboratory centers use identified and
exacted methods approved by WHO.

These are topics that can be endlessly discussed, but steps should be
taken to immediately act with the aim of solving all these problems
and improving the life quality of men.

The event is organized by "DAAD Alumni Armenia" and the "National
Institute of Health" with the participation of foreign specialists. The
seminar will be over on August 6.

Kharatian Ani:
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