Whistleblower Asked To Testify In Ohio Genocide Denial Case


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Aug 4, 2009

WASHINGTON-Attorneys for FBI whistleblower Sibel D. Edmonds have
requested that Attorney General Holder review the state secrets
privilege invoked in her case and reverse the decision made under
former President Bush. This will free her to testify on behalf of
Democratic Congressional candidate David Krikorian, in connection with
a complaint initiated by Genocide denier Rep. Jean Schmidt before
the Ohio Elections Commission Edmonds was illegally fired from the
FBI due to her protected disclosures. An independent investigation
by the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General confirmed
the serious misconduct committed by the FBI and the illegality of her
termination. On or about October 18, 2002 the previous administration
invoked the state secrets privilege in order to have Ms. Edmonds’s
whistleblower/First Amendment claims dismissed and to protect the
government from embarrassment.

Edmonds has now been requested to provide sworn deposition and
affidavit testimony in a case pending before the Ohio Elections
Commission in the Schmidt v. Krikorian case. This case raises
nationally significant issues of electoral fraud and violation of
law. The state secrets privilege has stifled Ms. Edmonds for the past
seven years, and this deposition will be the first time that she will
put her knowledge on the record.

Schmidt has brought charges against her likely Democratic opponent
in the 2010 election for what she claims are false statements
made by Krikorian in connection with Schmidt’s vocal opposition to
Congressional measures to commemorate the Armenian Genocide. During
the last election cycle, Schmidt received more than $30,000 in
contributions from individuals and political action committees
advancing the Turkish government’s position to deny the fact of the
Armenian Genocide and oppose Congressional measures to commemorate
what is widely acknowledged as the first Genocide of the twentieth
century. The trial on Schmidt’s charges is scheduled for August 13
before the Ohio Elections Commission.

Since her election to Congress, Jean Schmidt has become an active and
vocal apologist for the Turkish government’s position on the Armenian
Genocide and has solicited and received tens of thousands of dollars in
campaign contributions from Turkish Americans and affiliated political
action committees. David Krikorian has been working to expose the
connection between Schmidt’s actions as a Member of Congress and her
political contributions.

"Jean Schmidt’s active participation in the Turkish Government’s
campaign to deny and cover up this internationally recognized crime
against humanity is well documented and readily traceable" said said
Mark Geragos who will serve as the lead attorney on the case.

"Schmidt’s mertiless complaint against David is yet another attempt
by the Turkish Government and its apologists to intimidate those
with the audacity to speak the truth about this ongoing human right
violation. David Krikorian understands that the Turkish Government’s
attempt to suppress the truth about the most heinous crime known to
humankind transcends the interests of Armenian Americans and is a
cause for concern to all those of good conscience. David is a man
of principle and despite Schmidt’s specious allegations, remains
undeterred in his resolve to bring this important human rights issue
to light," added Geragos.

Given the pendency of this case and the request for her testimony,
the National Whistleblowers Legal Defense and Education Fund requested
that the Attorney General immediately and independently review the
basis upon which that privilege was initially invoked, and formally
and in writing withdraw that privilege. At the time of this release,
two separate deadlines for the Department of Justice to respond to
the attorney’s letter had passed, and consequently the deposition has
been scheduled for Saturday. Although a request was hand delivered
to the Department of Justice, the Attorney General’s office informed
counsel that they were having difficulty locating it.

According to Stephen M. Kohn, the Executive Director of the National
Whistleblowers Center and one of Ms. Edmonds’s attorneys, "The
Obama administration must take a fresh look at how the state secrets
privilege was improperly used to hide government misconduct from the
public view. The Edmonds case was the first case the ‘privilege’ was
invoked, and it must be the first case the ‘privilege’ is revoked. The
government’s misguided attempt to cover up wrongdoing by abusing the
state secrets privilege to bully a whistleblower must end. Ms. Edmonds
has been requested to provide testimony in court. She will do so
unless the government again invokes the privilege to quash her First
Amendment rights."

Edmonds’s deposition is scheduled for Saturday, August 8, at
10:30am. It will be held at the National Whistleblowers Center at
3238 P. St. NW, Washington, DC. The event is open to the press.
